Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our Kittens

These are our latest litter of kittens from Mama Kitty (Tip) who originally moved to our house from Grammy's years ago when we moved a male (Tap) to the barn because Grammy thought he was bothering kittens. I do believe they understand the term, "lazy days of summer".

The kittens are full of energy and funny antics. Seems as though the Siamese has selected a strange place for a nap, on the steering wheel of the "baby gator".

Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer Hay

June means getting hay done for the upcoming winter. The hay meadow did well this year and that always makes Mel happy. He quickly moved it off the field and has it ready for us to move to the blue barn or annex when necessary.

Mel takes a break for cold lemonade. With the air-conditioned tractor and music what more could a farmer want.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Adventures on the Farm and Blog

This is a new experience of blogging about our life on the farm. Our daughter did this while we visited her and then made it into a book. The book is so special with pictures and memories of our visit. I will now try my hand at blogging.

It is now the middle of June which is hard to believe. We have enjoyed having time with the grandkids and our daughter. We are anxiously waiting for our other daughter to finish her hectic schedule of nursing to fulfill a contract so she will have more free time. Jett, our grandson in the city, has been able to spend a few days on the farm with the cousins and will be returning this week to spend more time playing with them. Mel and I are so blessed with 2 wonderful daughters, 2 terrific sons-in-law and 5 precious grandchildren!

Our garden is growing and we can hardly wait for fresh corn, tomatoes, peppers, beans and peas. We have already enjoyed green beans, onions, potatoes, squash, sugar snap beans, spinach cabbage and lettuce. Nothing like fresh veggies straight from the garden!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

First Post

To keep a record of the adventures at Surrey Hills Farm...