Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Break on the Farm for the City Boy

We were thrilled that Jett would spend his spring break on the farm.  As always we have activities to keep us busy as well as chores.

Wednesday evening was Mel's turn to drive the church bus for Bible Safari.  Jett enjoys riding the bus and visiting with the boys he has met.

Jett assisted us with chores that are done daily.
Gathering eggs - we have a chicken (and sometimes more than one) that chooses to lay at the end of the horse stalls.  Maybe the nest in the hen house is occupied or maybe it is just her "means of control" that she chooses to lay here.

Of course, the reward at the end of completing chores is enjoying a Yoo-Hoo from the refrigerator in the barn!

Mel wanted to do some fence work.  Jett wondered if he could earn some money for a Lego if he worked hard.  Never is it too early to encourage this desire!  Jett is bundled up and has the essential snacks for break time!

Jett with his gloves on ready!  They are mismatched but for farm work if they cover the hands, then that's what will do (especially when we don't have gloves for small hands).

In the tractor with Grandpop

Loading the steel posts

Assisting Grandpop

After completing the fence work Jett and I came home.  Jett helped me clean out the flowerbeds.

 He was good at using the hoe

Feeding the Cows
Grandpop had a horse clinic and show that he was attending so Jett and I fed the cows because of the time the clinic began.  He feeds one cow separately from the others so Jett took care of putting feed in her bucket.

After he did that I was ready pour feed into the troughs for the rest of the cows.  Jett said he could carry one of the buckets for me (Mel filled them half full so they would not be so heavy) and poured his into a trough.  Quite the little helper!!

Time to put the empty buckets in the car

Jett earned money for working.  He and I went to town so he could spend his money.  He is quite the shopper.  He would ask the price of various sets then figure out which he could afford and if there could be some combinations.  The best way to learn to live within a budget!

Jenga Boom was a game we played.  He even played it with Grammy.

Amazing how these 2 little cars provided a lot of fun.

Talk about a "technology native" - Jett is.  He wanted to build a squid using the Lego pieces we had.  We looked it up and found a YouTube video and we also used the Lego website.  He is quite proficient in computer use!

 The completed squid

Visiting Grammy 

 A fun time with Jett!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Grammy's 86th Birthday

Grammy turned 86 on March 10th.  We celebrated her birthday by having a meal at our house.  
Her friend, Addie, Amanda, and the Rauch Family came.  The menu included:  Mexican casserole, beans, rice, dip and chips.  For dessert I tried a new recipe Grammy had seen on TV - Key Lime Cake.  This wonderful, loving and caring woman has an abundance of wisdom to share.
We are so happy that our family is blessed with her!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Frightening but Funny Afterwards

Yesterday afternoon our phone rang.  It was the daughter of one of Grammy's friends.  She had just received a phone call from an officer (He really worked for the Dept. of Agriculture as a special investigator) who assisted the friend's mother and Grammy.
The story goes:  After eating at the Center Grammy and this friend headed to Walmart.  The friend drove and as they got into town, she missed an exit.  She proceeded to find another one to get them back to the correct road.  In the process, they ended up going the wrong way on the road.  Because of the center median, they could not get across to their correct lane except by crossing over.  The friend started to do that when they noticed flashing lights behind them.  The officer was trying to stop them and prevent any accidents.  He had received the call to help since he was the closest to the situation.
They had met a vehicle or two while going the wrong way.  Thank the Lord that He was with them and protecting them.  A terrible accident could have  easily happened.
The daughter called us to go rescue them.  Mel called the officer to see where they were and inform him we were on our way.   We found the terribly shaken Grammy and friend.  I drove the friend's car and Mel drove ours.
The friend needed her medicine and to do some banking business.  After doing the errands we did get them safely home.
After the initial fright we did have to laugh - the 86 and 90 year old ladies and their episode.  How thankful we are that no one was hurt!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Meet Reygun Buttercup

This beautiful horse is the newest member of Surrey Hills Farm.  She is Reygun Buttercup.  Mel is planning on using her for Stock Horse competition. 
Mel's quote:  'She is so good, she will make me look good!"