Monday, February 24, 2014

Mel's New Boots

Loveless Shoe Company called to say Mel's custom made boots were ready!  How exciting!
Mel is so proud of them and enjoys the comfort since they are made specifically for his feet!

Mr. Loveless with Mel's boot

Time to see how they fit!

Mel's new belt to match his boots

Mel is really enjoying the comfort of his new boots.  Boots he had bought off the rack would feel good at first then hurt his feet later when worn for a long time.  No more discomfort or worry about that!

Chickens Are Laying Once Again

After the chickens molted (the time to renew plumage where they lose and replace their feathers) we are now getting fresh eggs.  With the chickens new feathers, they look so pretty!  How I missed having the farm fresh eggs for cooking! 
Our first eggs after the molting

Winter Storm # 2, # 3 and More!

Winter Storm #2

Winter Storm # 3

Tracks left by some critter trekking across the driveway

Our Barn Cats Favorite Spot in Winter
The cats favorite spot is under the light that we turn on to prevent the pressure tank from freezing in the barn.

Freezing Fog and Drizzle

Everyone will be ready for a long pretty spring and warmer temperatures!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Snow on the Farm

Time for these shoes!

What beauty with the snow!

The water hoses have to be emptied of water or the water will freeze inside and no water will come through.

Hay is a necessity and a larger "serving" is given during bad weather

Buttercup may think, "Enough of this white stuff!"

Our "Big" February Snowfall from Storm # 1

After having received 6 inches of snow Mother Nature is proving she still knows how to provide winter weather!  In fact, this first week of February shows 3 winter storms with very cold temps that will impact Oklahoma.
Pictures from Winter Storm # 1: