Friday, December 18, 2015

Peanut Brittle

Mel loves peanut brittle.  I made a batch for Christmas; however, it is gone so I suppose I will need to make more!
We had changed out our microwave this year, so I had to make adjustments for this microwave.  I then made notes on my recipe for future batches.

OKC for Shopping and Jett's Christmas Program

Mel and I finished up our Christmas shopping, then went to Jett's Christmas program.

One place we visited was Urban Farmhouse.
What a neat store!

 The orchestra performed very well!  
Amazing how accomplished they are after 3 months of practice!

Time at grandkids' activities is always fun and memorable!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

First Batch of Christmas Candy

That time of the year to make candy.  My first batch included fudge and chocolate covered peanuts.

Now, what is next on the list???

Cinnamon Rolls for Grammy

Grammy's Sunday School party was Saturday, December 5th.  She asked me if I would make cinnamon rolls for her to take.
The Pioneer Woman's cinnamon roll recipe is easy, just time consuming, and so delicious!

Rolling out the dough

Ready to rise then the oven

They turned out great and Grammy said they were all eaten!!

Using the Round Pen

Now it was time for Mel to work with the horses in the round pen.  

Hotshot in the pen

Hotshot and Mel had spectators!
Buttercup and Frosty are watching.  Buddy was in another pasture or he would have been watching as well!!

Mel took Hotshot out of the pen, then Frosty and Buttercup left.  
Do you suppose each was saying, "I'm not going to be next!!"?

Putting Up the Round Pen

Mel ordered a round pen to use with the horses.  Since the each panel is 6 foot high, 10 foot long and weighs 168 pounds, we knew the tractor would be the only way for us to accomplish our task.

Mel getting the panel on the fork of the tractor

This is how he carried each panel and the gate.

Mel and I completed the project with no difficulty!!

What a great looking round pen ready for use!!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

A Touch of Winter Weather

We had have a few days of cold weather.  Now we added some ice to the cold temps!  It definitely does make it look like it's the Christmas season!!

Some parts of the state experienced ice on the roadways and loss of electricity.
Fortunately, we only had ice on the trees, fences, gates, etc.  The roads were just wet. 
(Especially when you can stay indoors!!)

Looking Like Christmas at Our House!

Our Christmas tree is up and I am decorating the rest of the house.  Hard to believe Christmas will be here soon!

What a wonderful time of the year that I truly enjoy!!


Mitch and Amberlea began early to get the turkey out of the brine and ready for the smoker.  Mitch was smoking the turkey and ham.

The cute table decorations  
Amber had spray painted real pumpkins and gourds!

Checking the food dishes

Mitch preparing the ham for the smoker

The ham was in the this smoker.

Ham on the grill of the smoker

The turkey was in this smoker.

The table beautifully decorated and set

Mel and Gary visiting

Amber and Gloria

 Just look at all this wonderful food!
We had turkey, ham, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce and hot rolls.
In addition we enjoyed apple pie, carrot bread, pecan pie and pumpkin roll.

 Time to fill plates and eat!!

Yum!  Yum!  What a delicious meal!!

Jett devouring his meat!

Our chef enjoying a smoked turkey leg!

Jett made slime with his chemistry kit while waiting for the meal to be ready.

He also made snow!

How blessed we are to have more than enough to eat, great family and friends, as well as our homes to enjoy and share with one another!   May we never take our blessings for granted!!
It was good to visit with Gary and Gloria, Mitch's parents!
Thank you Mitch, Amber and Jett for hosting us overnight and for the fabulous Thanksgiving meal!

Pre - Thanksgiving in OKC

Mitch and Amberlea had invited us to have Thanksgiving with them this year.  A great idea!!
We left on Wednesday and saw the Woods' new home.  It is so very nice!  We are proud for them!
After doing a couple of errands we went to the Elliott's where we would spend the night.  Amberlea and I would do some baking and all would just relax and visit.

Pre-Thanksgiving Baking
I made a pumpkin roll. cinnamon rolls and the Pioneer Woman's perfect pie crust (Amberlea wanted to make her pecan pie for Thanksgiving.

Car loaded and ready to head to OKC

Relax and visit before baking

Taking Mabel for a walk
(or should I say Mabel taking us for a walk)

Jett decided he would skate on our walk.

In the kitchen

 Mel decided Mabel made a good "foot rest"!

Homemade Tamales
The mother of a fellow who works with Mitch made homemade tamales.  They were delicious!!

The cheese dip and salsa we enjoyed with the tamales

Pecan Pie 
The crust and filling were recipes from the Pioneer Woman.

Later we enjoyed taco soup that Amberlea had made.  What a great time together and delicious food!!