Thursday, December 29, 2016

King Breakfast

Since Christmas was on Sunday this year, we had King breakfast on Monday.  Keith and Wendy were in for a visit so they joined us.


We spent Christmas Day taking Grammy to church, then having lunch at our house.
I called Grammy early Christmas morning and asked if she wanted to go to Roff Baptist Church.  She decided she better not try it.  A little while later she called to say she had changed her mine.
She enjoyed seeing her friends!  
Afterwards, we went to the house and had lunch with she and Johnny.

When taking Grammy back to Brookdale, this beautiful rainbow was in the sky!
The temperature was 72 degrees!   
Only in Oklahoma!! 

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was time for the Bradford Family Get-Together!  

Preschool Visitors for Grammy

While we were visiting Grammy, a group of preschoolers came by the rooms and brought cookies.  They wished each resident, "Merry Christmas"!  A cute and talkative group!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Arctic Cold and Snow

Hard to believe we experienced below zero wind chill temps and a few days with the "high temps" being below freezing!  We also had snow!
At least it does make it look and definitely feel like Christmas time!!

The snow beginning to fallS

Sunday Morning

Not much snow but enough to look pretty!

Preparing City House for Arctic Cold!!

With an Arctic cold front arriving Mel and I decided we needed to check our "city house".  We knew what how to prepare on the farm.  We weren't so sure about the "city house" since this was our first winter there.
Mel checking the attic

After wrapping a faucet with insulation in the garage and checking the attic, we were ready!!

Mathew's and Jacob's Basketball Games

We watched the Knights Basketball games!  
The varsity boys' game was a "barn burner"!  The Knights won!!

Visitors for Grammy

4 and 5 year old children from Central Bible Academy in Ada visited Grammy.  They had bagged cookies and wished her "Merry Christmas!

They were so cute and very talkative!!

The Farm Christmas Tree

Our Christmas Tree on the Farm

Our Christmas Trip

Mel and I decided to get tickets to see Territory Christmas Carol playing at Pollard Theatre in Guthrie for Joe, Margaret and Jerry for their Christmas.
We picked up everyone and headed north!!  Our first stop was Donut Land in Wynnewood!

The "Pop-up Christmas Shops" were on our list to visit.
We stopped at the ones by the Myriad.  They were suppose to open at 10:00; however, the sign they would not open until 11:00.  So much for those shops!!

Thought since we were at the Myriad, we would tour it.
Guess what!! It didn't open until 11:00!!
It was windy and chilly!  We waited for our chauffeur, Mel, to bring the car around.

We drove through Midtown Area to see the changes there.

 The Holiday Shops were open!

Let's just say that we have "been there and done that" and no need to visit again.  We were disappointed!

Guthrie, Our Next Stop

The Pollard Theatre where the play was.

This gentleman was sitting on the bench in front of the theatre.
Come to find out, he played Scrooge in the play!!

Guthrie is full of history and beautiful old buildings!!

 Shopping before the play
The owner of the shop was having his dog "Speak" to receive a treat!

Joe found the bargain of the day!
He bought 3 Louie Louie LaMar books for less than $3!!

The guys found a bench while Margaret and I shopped!

Later, they were entertained by this gentleman!!

Time for the Play

Grandpop and Jett waiting for everyone

This was the 30th year for Territorial Christmas!  We really enjoyed it!!

Stables to Eat
The Woods Family had told us about Stables.  Wow!  What a tremendous amount of food they serve!!

This baked potato was huge!  None of us had ever seen one that large!!

Talk about being "stuffed", we were!!

Spending the Night in Surrey
We spent the night at our "city" home!
The next morning we headed to Roff.  Breakfast was at Cattleman's.


A fun time spent together!!