Friday, May 20, 2016

Our New Baby Chick!!

One of our Silkies has been sitting on eggs for a while.  Thursday morning I went to feed the chicks.  I noticed a part of an eggshell close to the sitting hen.  I was worried something had happened to one of the eggs!   Wow!  To my surprise we had a baby chick!  It is a healthy little thing and has quite the voice!!
The hen is still sitting on 2 eggs!  Will there be more or will we have an "only chick"?

Our sitting hen

Quite the surprise!

The cutie!

Our first experience with our own hatched baby chicks!  Exciting!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Our Sitting Silkie

One of our Silkies has been sitting on eggs for a few days!  We are anxiously waiting to see if we have baby Silkies!!  Time will tell!

The rooster comes in and visits periodically!

Proud of Our Horse Man!

Time for another horse show.  Mel did a fantastic job this time!  He won 2nd in cow work; 2nd in pleasure and 3rd in reining for 2nd Place - Reserve Champion!!  Way to go!!  In addition he won $90.  How proud we are of his and Buttercup's accomplishments!

Getting ready to saddle Buttercup

His name was called for 2nd Place Reserve Champion

Selecting his prize

The proud cowboy!!

We are proud of our Mel and Buttercup!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Tornadoes A Little Too Close!!!

May 9th was a severe weather day for us!!  How blessed we were that they went over us and around us.  Many people were not that fortunate and suffered damage and 2 fatalities occurred.
How we appreciated Melodi and Amberlea keeping us informed after our DIRECTV went off.  Our cell phones were keeping us alerted, but it was much better to hear from the girls what radar was showing and what the meteorologist was predicting!
Family members came up and we went to the safe room.

The tornado that went over us was a Anti-Cyclonic "Backwards Spinning" tornado!

Several friends and family members called and texted to see if we were safe.
How blessed we are to have caring friends and family!

This storm was too close for comfort.  
We just give thanks and praise to our God for His watching over us and our safety!!

Saturday in OKC

Mel and I enjoyed coffee and danish at Panera Bread, then we headed to Putnam City North for the Arts Festival.

The elementary students had art work displayed and performed a concert.
What a great job they did!

Jett's artwork

Getting ready for the concert

The Woods Family waiting for the concert.

Eleven elementary schools participated.

Jett's music teacher is in the background.

Great artwork and a wonderful concert!!

Later, Mel and I went to the Chickasaw Ball Park where Roff played in the finals.

 Unfortunately, Roff was defeated 3 to 1 in extra innings; however, it was an honor to make it to the State Finals.
Time for us to head back to the farm and check on the farm critters!!
A fun time in OKC, but as always, it is nice to be home!

A Week-end in OKC

We had doctor's appointments, Roff played in the State Baseball Tournament and we had plans for a Mother's Day "Girls' Day Out" and a "Guys' Day Out" so Mel and I spent the week-end in OKC.
Roff played Thursday afternoon and won.  Mel and I ate at On the Border that evening.

We met at the Woods' house  for our "Day Out".
The Guys are ready for their adventures.

The Girls are ready for a fun day!

Ready to load up!

Our first stop was Aspen Coffee.  The vanilla latte was delicious!!

 Now it was time for our pedicures.
What color do we want???

Selections made!

How relaxing!

Time to shop!

Lunch was at Republic.

What a delicious lunch we enjoyed!!

Time for Emma and McKaylea to shop at the candy store.

Thank you so much for the pedicures, shopping and having lunch!  What a special day for me spending it with my daughters and granddaughters!!

The Guys shopped at the tool store.

Lunch was Chinese food.

At the ballpark.  Roff won again!

After the game we went to Hideaway Pizza.

A fun day being together!!