Sunday, July 24, 2016

Fish for the Pond

Mel decided to get some fish for the pond to help with the weeds and algae.  We bought 3 Koi and 7 Carp.

Instructions for introducing the fish into the pond

Need the galoshes!

Off they go exploring!

We think the Egret has a nest by the pond.

A New Era for the Baby Silkies

The baby silkies are now big enough to roam outside their pen.  
The rooster seemed to know he needed to watch over the baby silkies.

Bruno watching the new activity.
The rooster made a charge at Bruno so that took care of him bothering the Silkies.

Thursday with the Girls and Meeting Mom

The girls would go home today.  On our way to Norman we stopped at the doughnut shop in Wynnewood.  The girls wanted pigs in a blanket.  We would meet their Mom and Mathew at Starbucks in Target.

A great morning spent with Melodi, the girls and Mathew!!

Wednesday with the Girls

Breakfast was biscuits and crispy crowns.  We would use the morning to catch-up, then have lunch at Mazzio's after doing errands.
McKaylea helped me with the baby Silkies.

Time for the garden

Helping water the horses

Driving while it's cool

Lunch Time!

A relaxing afternoon

Enjoying dessert!

2 days in a row we made an Angel Food Cake, then poured fudge icing on top!! Yum! Yum!!
Can you tell we really enjoyed it???
"Home in Oklahoma" was the movie tonight.

The girls' time on the farm is coming to a close.  
We are so blessed with 2 sweet, loving, helpful and caring granddaughters!!  The time spent with them is priceless!!

Tuesday with the Girls

Believe it or not, we would be home all day!  I think everyone was ready!

The girls drove the Gators early before it was too hot!  They helped Grandpop by picking up any rocks they saw while driving.
The girls helped cook lunch.

 McKaylea sampling the remains of cake batter

Double-checking the spelling for salsa.  McKaylea was writing items I needed on my grocer list.

She did a good job on my grocery list.  She added Dr. Pepper (on her own) just to ensure we didn't run out!

Getting mint for the tea

McKaylea embroidered a dragonfly, then made it into a pillow!
She did a great job!!

Emma made a pumpkin from a quilt square.

Good job!

Popcorn time!

The girls enjoyed "Away and Back", a movie about a family of swans.
Another day full of memories and special time together!