Saturday, January 28, 2017


Tucker's was a new place for us to try.  We had heard good things about it!  Sure enough the onion burgers and shakes were delicious!!  

Eye Surgery

Cataract surgery was done on my left eye.  A few adjustments had to be made in my normal routine such as no bending or lifting over 20 lbs.  In order to limit my doing things and the ease of "Mel cooking" ( picking up something to eat) we went to our city house for a few days afterwards.  Mel has been very helpful!!
In a couple of weeks I will have surgery on my right eye so we'll repeat the same routine.
It's amazing how clear and bright things are after the surgery!!
Left Eye

 After 2 weeks had the right eye done.

Monday, January 16, 2017

First Snow of 2017

About 4 inches of snow fell for us on the farm.  It was very beautiful and didn't really present any problems until the next day or two when it would melt and refreeze.  Thankfully it was short-lived!!

A beautiful sunset with the snow on the ground!

Snow at Surrey

Bryan and Melodi went by to check on the house in Surrey during the cold weather.  Things were fine!  Thank you for checking for us!
If you look closely at the roof of the house to the right, you can see the footprints of some critter who "traipsed across" their garage!!

Mel's Wax Job

Mel is blessed with very bushy and full eyebrows.  They have to be trimmed often to prevent them from looking "out of control".  He decided to have Lacey, my beautician, wax them.

What a handsome guy with "good-looking" eyebrows!!

New Year's 2017

Goodness!  It's hard to believe we are beginning the new year of 2017.  As the saying goes, "How time flies!".
We are hoping and praying for a blessed and healthy year!  These are things we do not want to take for granted!
So as we begin the new year, I think of a couple of things:
Brad Paisley's quote:  "Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 book.  Write a good one!"

 Jeremiah 29:11  "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and        not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

May we truly live each day to the fullest!  Watch for God's hand in our lives each day - for it's amazing how he takes care of and provides for us!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

New Year's Eve

After watching the Knight's win, Mel and I thought we would watch a movie in the afternoon.  Well, since the parking lot around the movie theater was full, we decided we would see the movie another time.
A second thought was a stop at Crest's Grocery to get a few items - well, the parking lot there was full!  Forget that!!
We got take-out and went home to enjoy a quiet evening of reading and watching a movie at home!
Home was a great place to be!!!

Christmas 2016

Due to schedules and other activities, we celebrated Christmas on January 1.  To us it doesn't matter what the date is - all that is important is getting together!!

What a wonderful Christmas we had!!

We continued our tradition of having Ted's for our meal.

Our 5 Special Blessings!!

How very very blessed we are!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Girls With Us

The girls went home with us and spent the night.  On the way home we discussed where we wanted to eat.  The decision was Chick-fil-A.

Time to Make Candy!!

Making the Reindeer Munch

Melting chocolate for chocolate covered peanuts

Melting caramel for peanuts

 Our Sampler!!

Yum!  Yum!!  Yum!!!

Playing dominoes

Building with the dominoes

Emma made cinnamon roll waffles!  Her favorite!!

McKaylea cooking her favorite - bacon!!

A delicious breakfast enjoyed by all !

A fun time with the girls and many memories made!!