Thursday, February 23, 2017

Family Basketball Practice

After our meal we went to the basketball court by the school to enjoy some practice and exercise.
The adults found out that it doesn't take long to "wear down".

An update to this post:  Bryan hurt a muscle attached to his hip.  He is on crutches for 3 weeks and may need to do physical therapy.  Hopefully all will heal soon!!

A Lesson Learned

A seal inside the toilet tank needed to be replaced.  After checking with Jerry and also on the internet Mel and I figured out what to do.  We replaced the seal and it leaked.  We tried again - same story.
Finally we decided to just get the whole part and not try to "piecemeal"!  Sure enough - no leaking when replaced!!
The lesson learned is it's just better to replace the whole part instead of putting different brands together to try to make it work!

Jacob and Mathew's Last Game of the Season

Jake and Mat's last game of the season was against Stillwater.  They won the game!  A great way to end the season!!

Jett's Birthday Get-Together

We celebrated Jett's 12th birthday at the city house.  His request for the meal was steak fingers, cream potatoes, gravy and chocolate chip pizza cookie!  (I know 4 other grandkids that would request the same menu, maybe a different dessert).

Saturday's Games

Jett's team won their semi-finals game, then played the championship and won!  How exciting!
Jett scored 2 points while he was in the game!

Presentation of trophy

Jett's Friday Night Game

Friday night began a tournament to end his basketball season.  Southwest Covenant beat the other team from Covenant to advance to Saturday's Semi-Finals.

 Shooting a free-throw

The Woods Family's Schedule made it possible to see Jett's game.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Our 2016 Family Books

Our 2016 family books arrived!  How amazing to look back and relive the memories and happenings in our family for the past year!  The pictures and the info explaining the pictures are priceless!!

Prissy's New Antic

Prissy, our cat, decided to climb up on the transom above the kitchen's patio doors.   Only she could think of doing that and carrying it out!  Of course, this is the same cat that climbed on the roof of the house and then didn't know how to get down!  Naturally, I took the ladder outside and rescued her.
Same story here - again I used a step stool to retrieve her from her high location.  She is rather large for the small space, but that doesn't seem to bother her as she has done this 3 times now.
Is she a slow learner or am I ???  Or the question - does she have me trained well???

Jacob and Mathew 's Basketball Game

We enjoyed another opportunity to see Jake and Mat play basketball at Destiny.

Winter Weather Chart

A chart showing a summary of our winter weather so far this winter

Jett Plays Basketball

Jett had an early basketball game that we watched.

Afterwards we enjoyed breakfast at Cattleman's
A great time being together and a delicious meal!

Basketball Game at Crossings

Another opportunity to see Mat play basketball.  Jake was sick and had to miss.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Grammy's Episode

We had a frightening call from the assisted living center about Grammy!  She had been taken to the ER.  Fortunately, it was not as serious as we first thought, but bad enough for a almost 90 year old!
After a couple of days she was able to go back to the assisted living center!

She was more than happy to sign the discharge papers!!

Our Basketball Players

What great pictures of Mat and Jake!!