Thursday, July 27, 2017

Beautiful Sunrise

A beautiful sunrise to begin Monday morning after rain the evening before!
This made the 7th day of rain in July!  Will we make 15 like the "Old Timer's Saying"?

Monday, July 24, 2017

Wednesday with Jett

We picked up Jett for him to spend the night with us.  Off to Braum's for breakfast before we got groceries.

Goodwill Shopping
Jett had been working out but left as picture was taken.

Once again, the same standing mannerisms

The "Cow" was at Chick-fil-a.

July 19th was "Hot Dog Day"!
We took advantage of their specials - $1 hot dogs and 1/2 price shakes!!  Yum!!

Devouring the specials!

A busy and fun day in the city!

Monday, July 17, 2017

More Rain in July

An old saying is this:  "If it rains on July 1st, there will be 15 days of rain in the month of July".
Well, as of July 15th we have had 6 days - 9 more to go!   Time will tell!
Mowing has picked up and the green grass is not what we usually experience in July in Oklahoma!!

Day 6 - 1 1/2 inches of rain

The Water Gap

With all the rain we had the water gap on the 50 acres on the turnpike looks like this!
Part of the fence is down so the turnpike will be repairing it!

Garden Bounty

Our Garden Bounty

Nothing like the flavor of fresh veggies!!

Jett at City House ( Wednesday)

 Part of the morning was spent around the house, then went grocery shopping and to one Goodwill store.  We had heard about Zaxby's.  Today we tried it!  Delicious!!


Jett said he had a great time on the farm and in the city!!  He is ready to come back again very soon!!
Many memories and fun times spent with him!  

Jett Leaves the Farm (Tuesday)

Today we went to the house in Yukon after getting a few things done on the farm and visiting Grammy.  We needed to do a few errands and mow the yard.
Jett spent the night with us and went home Wednesday afternoon.

Lunch at Chilenos
Jett had never eaten here - he is ready to go back soon!

We enjoyed a leisurely afternoon at the house.

Jett on the Farm (Monday)

Riding the horses was on the agenda for today.  Grandpop rode Buttercup and Jett rode Buddy.

Buddy wanted to be a little stubborn but changed his attitude after Grandpop rode him!

Jett rode Buttercup while Grandpop gave Buddy an "attitude adjustment"!

Lunch at Mazzio's

Our movie for tonight was "Support Your Local Sheriff".
An exciting and fun day on the farm!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Jett on the Farm (Sunday)

Before church Jett had bacon, biscuits and gravy!

Off to Church

After church we came home and had spaghetti with Italian sausage and garlic toast.  For dessert we had chocolate fudge cake ( similar to the molten chocolate cake on the cruise which we all loved) and ice cream!

Jett and I worked a crossword and a Sudoko puzzle - definitely worked our brains!!

Played Hoopla

Our movies for today were "When Legends Die" and "Cheaper by the Dozen".  

Jett on the Farm (Saturday)

Today was horse riding day!  Grandpop had been working with Frosty and wanted to ride her!  

A beautiful morning!

These 2 have the same "standing" mannerisms!!

Frosty's treats - M & M's - she loves them!!

Getting her saddled!  
Note:  she does not have any type of bridle or halter;  she just stands there as she should!

Plenty of patience and praise for Frosty

She cooperated very nicely when Grandpop got on her!!  (Thank goodness!)

Time to unsaddle!!  Great job Grandpop and Frosty!!

Time for Jett to ride Buddy

Since it had been a while since Buddy had been ridden, Grandpop did a "test ride" before Jett gets on.

Look at the cowboy ride!!

A funny story:  Jett offered a M & M to Buddy for a treat.  He would not eat it!!  Jett got an apple horse treat and he gobbled it down!!  M & M's evidently are not his thing!!

Fresh water for the horses

Visiting Grammy
After visiting Grammy we had to go to Braum's because we were out of ice cream (a disaster for malts)!!!
Our movies for today were "Big Country" and "Cheaper by the Dozen".    We enjoyed another busy and fun day with Jett on the farm!