Thursday, November 30, 2017

That Time of the Year

It's time to make candy for the holidays!!  What a fun thing I enjoy doing!
I began with peanut brittle and chocolate covered peanuts.  Later, I'll do more!

Amberlea's Stroke Presentation at ECU

Amberlea did a stroke presentation at ECU for the Pontotoc County Women's Conference.  
Mel and & I took Grammy for the presentation.  
What a great job Amber did!!

Afterwards, we enjoyed lunch together at Blue Moon.

A great time together!

A Great Sight !

The Woods Family are one step closer to being back in Oklahoma!  What a great sight!!

Jett With Us at Surrey

Mitch and Amber were out of town so Grandpop & I had the pleasure of taking care of Jett.

Homemade Hot Chocolate

Nothing like homemade hot chocolate and Chex mix while doing homework!

Thanksgiving with Grammy

Baptist hosted Thanksgiving for their residents.  I enjoyed the traditional meal with her (Mel was sick.).
How thankful we are for this special lady!!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Preventive Measures

Buttercup seems to enjoy pushing on the pickets in the picket fence at the barn.  So as preventive measures and to save the fence, Mel and I put panels in front of the pickets so she cannot push on them!!
Always something to do to "outsmart" the critters on the farm!!

Thanksgiving 2017

Mitch, Amberlea and Jett were gracious to host Thanksgiving at their house!  

A beautiful table

Amberlea is reading instructions for glaze for the ham.

The 2 cooks who did an excellent job preparing the delicious meal!

Time to eat!!

The 4 boys had their own table.

Pecan pie

Apple Pie Bars and of course, ice cream and more caramel sauce!!

Stuffed after the delicious meal it was time to relax on the patio!

The napkins say it all for us!!
We are so thankful and blessed!!  

Thank you Mitch Elliott Family!!

Our Newest Farm Critter

Tux joined Priscilla on the farm.  All seems to be going well for him and his adjustment!
In fact, he seems to have made himself "right at home"!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Woods Family on the Farm

We were thrilled that the Woods Family could make it for the induction ceremony! 

A fun time to visit and enjoy time together!!

Induction into Roff Athletic Hall of Fame

The 1968 Double State Champs Team was inducted into the Roff Athletic Hall of Fame. 
This was the first in Oklahoma Sports for a team to win 2 championships in one year under the same coach !  

 Article in the program

Pictures in the Ada News about the teams and the induction ceremony

How proud we are of our Roff Tiger and his part in winning the championships in 1968!!
Quite an accomplishment!!

Mel and His Horse

A bond between these 2 is evident!  

The Brush Pile

With Mel cleaning out the brush on the fence line, plenty of brush piles up.  He has been clearing and I have been loading and dumping.

October Weather in Oklahoma

A summary of October weather