Thursday, August 30, 2018

New Blog

Surrey Hills Farm Blog is ending.  I am starting a new blog about our city life and experiences.

Check out the blog:  Farm Mice 2 City 

That's where you can still follow our new phase in life and adventures we look forward to experiencing!!

Monday, August 13, 2018

Closing on the Farm

Final papers were signed and the farm was not longer ours.

14 years we were on the farm.  

While building the house we shed blood, sweat and tears and had many hours of hard work and tired bodies.  Scraps, bruises, cuts (especially when Mel's finger was caught in the door and required stitches), Jerry falling off the roof when he passed out and his heart issues occurred.  The stealing of our power tools, ceiling fans, light fixtures and later on our tractor were experiences we rather have not experienced.  
A lot of hard work, but rewarding work, was involved, not only with building the house, but fence work and clearing land.  We turned the rocky hill into quite a "show place", something we were very proud of!!
We enjoyed having cattle, horses, chickens, and the quiet country life. 
Many, many precious memories were made with family, the kids and especially the grandkids spending time on the farm!!  So many stories we told about happenings on the farm.
Time changes things -  Mel and I had decided (a hard decision) that it was time to leave the farm and begin a new chapter in our lives.  Being close to kids and grandkids was a big factor.  Also, we were ready to have more free time to travel and spend time with kids, grandkids and enjoy their activities.
The farm required a lot of upkeep and made it difficult to be away very long at a time.    Thus, the decision to sell.
We are leaving farm life for city life.  

The Laundromat and Hotel

After cleaning the house, Mel and I stayed at a hotel the night before closing.  A visit to the laundromat made sure all our things were clean.  We would not have a washer and dryer at the new house until Thursday, July 5th.  I would have more laundry by then.

Our time on the farm had come to a close!

One Last Trip to Storage

After realizing we had more to move than the pickup and car could hold, we rented a small trailer to finish it off.
Amber, Mitch and Jett helped us load before they headed home.  We had Jake, Emma and McKaylea with us and they helped as well.
After leaving the things in storage and the pickup at the Surrey house, the kids stayed with Amber until Melodi and Bryan arrived home from Texas.

   A stop at Donut Land in Wynnewood is a must!

Resting at Amber's
Winston enjoying the kids being there!

Story of the Bird Nest

Our snack table was close to a crape myrtle bush.  I thought I kept hearing a bird chirp.  After watching a bird fly into the bush and then leave, I looked around.  This nest with the baby bird was there. 
Later I mentioned it to Mel.  Come to find out, the nest had blown out of the bush.  He picked it up and put it back.   In this case the tale "that if you bother the nest, eggs, etc, the parents will not come back" was not true!  The mother bird was still feeding and caring for her baby!!

Auction Day

The day for the auction finally arrived!   We were ready!

The girls taking the chickens to the coop

Setting up snacks

Mitch and Amber trying out the golf clubs

Mel with Frosty

McKaylea with Buddy

A successful auction!  

Early 4th of July

The 4th of July was celebrated early on the farm. 

Purchasing the fireworks

Bittersweet since we knew this would be the last 4th of July celebration on the farm!


Jake had signed a contract with the army.  The recruiter thought he had Jake's fingerprints on file.  He did not.  The recruiter drove to the farm to get things completed.

Lunch at Braum's

After working hard Friday cleaning, organizing and preparing for the auction, we had lunch at Braum's!

Preparing for the Auction

We set up items a couple of days before the auction so it would be ready!

Delivery of Port a Potties

Our helpers!

Mel going over the final details with the auctioneer

Because auction items were visible from the road and the sign advertising the auction was at the road, we were concerned that thieves might take advantage!  Mel spent a couple of nights at the barn just to keep things secure!

Bare Minimum for a Week!!

The items we left on the farm to use for a week - the bare minimum!!

The memorable part of the sale and move!