Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Basketball Games in Ft. Worth, Texas

The Memorial Warriors played Covenant Classical School, located in the Whitesettlement Suburb of Fort Worth, Texas.
We took the back roads to get to the school since it was on the west side of Fort Worth.

Where we ate in Boyd, Texas



Where we spent the night

Mat was sick with the flu and didn't get to go to the game.  
We enjoyed seeing Emma and Jake!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

2017 Family Books

Our family books for 2017!!  Wow!  What memories and happenings are recorded in them!!

(We have too many pictures and information to be in just 1 book!)

Jett's Basketball Games

We saw 2 of Jett's basketball games this week!  One was the 6th grade team from Southwest Covenant and the other was the Saturday League.

Saturday Game

An interesting and amazing thing - the competing team only had 4 players show up to play on Saturday.  After a quarter of their 4 verses our 5, the coach had 3 players from Jett's team to play on the other team.  When a player from each team made points,  the players would"high'-five"the player and complement him!!  They encouraged one another!!  It didn't matter if they were on the same team or the competing team!!  A wonderful and proud sight that kids would do this!!  
(I know our Congress people could learn a lot from kids like these!!!)
Fun to watch the grandkids play!!

Closet Cleaning and Organization

Time to organize and clean closets!!

Sure is a good feeling afterwards!!

Brrrr Arctic Weather

We have had a few days of arctic cold!!  How many days until spring???



Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A Cold Start to the New Year!!

Yikes!  We have bitterly cold temps starting the new year!  
How thankful we are for our warm home and plenty of food!  
Things that we don't want to take for granted!

New Year's Day 2018

Wow!  Another year is here!  Hard to believe it is 2018!!
As we think about the coming year we look forward to having all the family back in Oklahoma! Attending the grandkids' activities, having Sunday dinners together and fun times with the family will be on our agenda.  
Counting our blessings and hoping for good health are top on our list for 2018.  What more could we ask for when you have family and good health!!
I think of Psalm16:11, "You will make known to me the path of life; in your presence is fullness of joy."  

 Of course, we had to have black-eyed peas on New Year's Day!!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Wintery and Cold New Year's Eve!

We had a wintery and vey cold New Year's Eve!!  Mel and I enjoyed staying in by the fire and having chili and beans.  Later, we ate snacks of Chex mix and Reindeer Munch.  Nothing like a cozy and quiet evening!!

Wichita Falls, Texas for Basketball

Jacob and Mathew's team, the Warriors, were playing in the Patterson Holiday Classic in Wichita Falls, Texas.  Mel and I went to watch them play.

Saint Jo was a small town on the way.

Nocona, Texas, where the boots are made.

We stayed at La Quinta in Wichita Falls.

The school that hosted the tourney.

Friday's games
The Warriors played Wichita Falls Christian and Newcastle Christian.
They lost the first game but won the second!

After the games we ate at El Fenix Mexican Restaurant.

Saturday morning - Mel does a good job making his own waffles at the hotel!

Saturday's games - the boys won the first and lost the second!

Memorial Christian Warrior Basketball Team

We are very proud of these 2 guys!!