Saturday, February 24, 2018

Boys on the Farm - Thursday

Winter weather had really set in!!  Ice was everywhere!

Jake decided it was time for a winter cap!
It was so funny to watch him run while wearing the cap - the ear flaps flapped up and down!
Don't you love the style of wearing shorts with the winter cap?

Ice skating anyone?


 This piece of ice fell off the high line wires and stuck in the ground as though driven into the ground!

Another piece of ice as though it had been driven into the ground!

A beautiful sight!!

The horses adjusting to the winter weather

While watching movies, it was time for homemade hot chocolate!!

Boys on the Farm - Wednesday

Winter weather began to set in!  It was sleeting/freezing rain!  We hurriedly did the chores then got back inside to the warm house to have breakfast  enjoy the day until afternoon chores.

Tux, the cat, did not appreciate the boys putting him outside in the sleet!

Would you call this "sleet football" ???
Note how they are dressed for winter weather???

Evening Chores
Don't you like Jake's "summer' hat for freezing rain/sleet weather?

The horses in this weather!

Boys on the Farm - Tuesday

After doing chores and having breakfast the boys and I went to Ada to do errands.  

Our first stop was to visit Grammy

What great helpers with groceries!!

The rain started pouring on our way home!  Mel called to see if we were making it okay.  He then began joking about whether Jake or I was driving.  We knew he was beginning to feel better!
(Thank goodness!!)
The farm hands doing chores!!

A blessing to be able to spend time with these two !!

Boys on the Farm - Monday

Jacob and Mathew came home from Surrey to spend a few days on the farm!  
The boys helped me with the chores since Mel was  sick with the flu.  Great helpers!!
We had breakfast then enjoyed being in with the rainy cloudy weather.  We watched Olympics, a movie and basketball game of OU vs Kansas and of course, ate, ate, ate!!

My Chauffeur!

The "camera shy" guys!

Family Get-Together at Surrey House

The Woods Family was in from Texas so we enjoyed a lunch with them and the Elliott Family at the Surrey House!  We celebrated Jett's 13th birthday.   A fun time!!

A blessing to spend time together!!