Sunday, May 27, 2018

Visiting ???

We have a pair of redbirds that stay around the house.  The female is on the sand table by the chicken pen.  Could she be visiting with our chicks???

A Time Gone By

While cleaning out closets, I found these.  At one time the boys would wear boxers in the evening after showers and for bedtime.
The girls loved to wear boxers with t-shirts for pajamas.
Now all 5 grandkids have their own styles and have not been able to wear these for years!!

Time marches on!!

Strange Weather

Once again Oklahoma's weather is one for the record books!!

We are wondering, "What will summer be like???"

Jake's Graduation

Hard to believe our "firstborn grandson" graduates from high school!!  
50 years ago Mel and I graduated from high school and 20 years ago Melodi graduated from college.
Where does the time go???

How proud we are of this young man!  He is sweet, thoughtful, smart and talented!!

Jett with Us - Monday - Wednesday

With Mitch and Amber out of town we are happy to have Jett spend time with us!

Monday - After school snack


Supper - Jett planned our menu!
We had smoked sausage, fried potatoes, beans and corn.

Jett pulled a loose tooth!

Tuesday - Breakfast of Chocolate Chip Muffins and Bacon!

A fresh batch of cookies for after school!

A break before homework - driving the golf cart

Steak fingers, creamed potatoes, green beans, corn and hot rolls (Jett's request)

Wednesday - Breakfast

A fun few days with Jett!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Jett's Awards Program

Mel and I attended Jett's Awards Program. 

Mrs. Braswell presenting Jett's awards packet.
An interesting note - I had Mrs. Braswell's children when I taught 3rd Grade at Surrey!

Jett's Awards

We are so proud of Jett and his accomplishments!  

A Wonderful Mother's Day

What a great Mother's Day I had!! 

Flowers from the girls 

Breakfast at Cattleman's!

History of Cattleman's

A delicious breakfast steak with all the trimmings!

I am so blessed and thankful for my wonderful husband, terrific daughters, great sons-in-law, and our special and precious grandchildren!!

Cook-out at the Woods Family

We enjoyed a great time with delicious food at the Woods house!  A fun time to be together!!

So blessed to be able to spend time together!!

A New Home for Buttercup

Mel decided it was time him to give up horse shows.  Buttercup went to a new home in Ft. Gibson.
It sounds as though she will have a "plush" life.  She will continue to be spoiled!

On the way home we stopped to eat at Bosco's Joes Barbecue.

Growing Chicks

Our chicks are growing and doing well in their big pen!

Fresh Veggies

Time to enjoy green onions and radishes from our little garden!
Yum!  Yum!!

Parkinson's Rally Walk

Mel and I participated with the Mercy group in a Rally Walk for Parkinson's.  We did the 1 mile walk.

Amber giving information

The Mercy Group

A Parkinson's Group that sings.
The voice and singing are difficult for Parkinson's patients.  This group did great!!

Handing out the ribbons when we finish

 A fun time for a good cause!!