Amberlea and Jett spent 3 days with us during their spring break. What fun we had! Of course, Jett had to show his mom how he could ride the horse and by the end of their visit, he could hold the reins himself while Grandpop walked beside Trinket. How proud Jett was of himself! Feeding the horses, getting a haircut at an "old fashioned" barbershop, dressing as an "authentic" cowboy, visiting Sipokni West, (the old western town movie set), playing with bubbles, making and eating Paula Deen's macaroni & cheese recipe and visiting the Architectural Salvage were just a few of the fun things we enjoyed.
The "old fashion" barber shop
The "authentic" cowboy in his new shirt, jeans and belt
The cowboy says, "Howdy!"
The Oklahoma wind and a cowboy hat

Playing with Bubbles
Sipokni West, an old west movie set at Reagan, Oklahoma is a unique place to visit. Our cowboy had a wonderful time exploring the 15 buildings and we all enjoyed our lunch. The "special of the day "was the hamburger basket. Delicious!! Talk about an old fashion hamburger- it was one to truly savor. Grammy has been there 3 times and she said she is ready to go again. We can't wait to show it to, as Jett calls them, the cousins from Kansas!
Jett and Grammy at the entrance of Sipokni West
The General Store
The Schoolhouse
The Saloon also known as the Cowboy Cafe where daily specials are featured
Mel waiting for lunch time!
Wanda, our waitress
While we waited for our food, our cowboy demostrated how a cowboy sleeps
Some unusual names on the headstones in the cemetery like Gingersnap, Fred and Willie
It's always interesting to see what is at the Architectural Salvage place
Time spent together is priceless!!