Grandpop had discovered Ollie, the horse, at Hydro, Oklahoma. After visiting with the owners and asking many questions, it was decided we would check out the horse. The question now was: Did the kids want to go or not?
A farm meeting was held to see if the kids wanted to ride 3 hours to see the horse. They voted "Yes!".
The farm meeting
Early the next morning before we headed out, Grandpop was adjusting the length of the stirrups on the saddle to fit the grandkids. Emma, being the tallest, was the one used to adjust length.
Ready for the road!!
Snacks of cheese and pretzels, Teddy Grahams and Orange Fanta were taken. The kids had drawing materials and cards for the road trip.
Lunch was at Burger King in El Reno before we arrived to see the horse.
This is Ollie!

Grandpop rode Ollie first to see how he did.
Since Ollie did well, each of the grandkids took a turn riding him.
The decision was made to purchase Ollie. We loaded him up in the trailer and headed him.
A stop at Braum's
After arriving home, Jett and McKaylea cleaned out the horse trailer.
Jett and McKaylea put their shovels in the tool rack.
Ollie getting a bath
Ollie being petted
Grandpop worked with each of the kids on reining.
The kids were excited and ready to ride Ollie the next day!
A disappointing ending to the story of Ollie: The next morning Grandpop rode Ollie to make sure the horse was safe for the kids. The horse had an entirely different nature than the day before. He reared up, would not cooperate or rein as he had the previous day. The only answer was the horse had been drugged! Evidently this in very common in dishonest horse people! We were very disappointed.! After stopping payment on the check, Grandpop loaded Ollie and took him home immediately!
So, we will continue to look for a good kids' horse from reputable people.