Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Hide and Seek" with Mama Kitty

Mama Kitty has moved the kittens several times. First, I found them on the shelf under the cabinet. Second, she moved them to the feed sack. Third, they were moved back to the shelf. Fourth, she had them behind the shelf. Fifth, they were moved to the red trailer under some boards. Mel needed to burn the boards so I took them out and put some rags in the bottom of this blue tote; then, I put them in it. So far, Mama Kitty has left them in this. Who knows her reasoning? I'm wondering if she thinks I might by chance move them to the garage like the last 2 litters. With the pretty weather, they are staying at the barn.
The funny thing is the 2 older kittens love to be in this with the babies and Mama Kitty. Possibly they feel as though it is "home for all of them".

The shelf

Have home will travel in this trailer

"Home for all"

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