Thursday, October 28, 2010

What a Terrific Repair Man

Last Saturday the winds blew very hard for a while. A piece of siding on one of the dormers blew off. Mel decided he could repair it using just a ladder to get up on the roof. Earlier in the summer a piece came off the end of the house facing the driveway. We rented a lift to repair that piece. He didn't think we needed to do that again, just use the ladder. I convinced him the only way would be for him to have a rope tied to his waist and the other end tied to the post on the back patio. That is what he did. He did make the comment the roof was "a little steep". Really??? Why do you suppose I wanted the rope??? He was very careful, but I was a bundle of nerves on the ground as I watched. What a terrific job he did repairing the siding!

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