Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mama Kitty on the Move with her Kittens

I had commented earlier how Mama Kitty had not moved this litter of kittens like she did her last litter.  Little did I know that Mother Nature would change Mama Kitty's mind.When the kittens were in the old hay barn, we experienced the hail storm.  With hail and hard rain hitting the sheetiron, no wonder Mama Kitty wanted another location for her family.  She moved them to the old well house by the blue barn. 

A few days later when I was at the barn, the kittens were not in the well house so I began to search around.  Mama Kitty came out of an old lawnmower that has the motor off.  She had moved the kittens inside it.

This seemed to be a good place for her until we had another round of storms and hard rain.  Luckily, Mel had left the south barn door open.  Mama Kitty moved the kittens into the blue barn behind the cabinets.  They could only be seen when the cabinet doors were opened. 

Mama Kitty in front of the shelf where she kept the kittens
One of the kittens
Maternal instinct is protective for animals as well as humans!

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