Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Surprise Visit

Amberlea called and asked if Jett could come to the farm for a visit since she and Mitch had to work.  What a question for grandparents!  Of course, our answer is always, "Yes", when any of the grandkids and kids can come to the farm.
School work was done first thing of a morning.  It is amazing watching little minds work and think.

Doing a phonics lesson online

After doing school work it is play time.
Our Cowboy

The cowboy goes modern with his bicycle

Cats at the barn

Jett had a very loose tooth.  He worked and worked to pull it.

Where the tooth was

The Tooth Fairy 

Chocolate chip cookie pizza - another favorite of Jett's

Lego ships - it"s amazing how the boys can build things without directions using Lego pieces! 

Activity Time

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