Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas Eve

For 42 years now we have had Christmas Eve with Grammy and the Bradford side of the family.
We enjoyed various meat salads, dips, chips and a lot of sweet goodies.
After having lost a family member such a short time ago, it was different, but life does go on.


To pass the time before the "Get-Together" we played Pin the nose on the Snowman.

Making Ornaments
The girls made salt dough ornaments with the grandkids' fingerprint on them.
What a neat idea!

Christmas Bingo was another game we played.

Time to eat!

Grammy with her Christmas gifts

Jett passed the envelopes to each person.

Grammy with her new pretty decorative cane 
Amberlea had found a pink cane decorated with roses for her.  Pink is Grammy's favorite color.

Pictures of Kids, Grands and Greats

A fun time together!

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