Saturday, April 5, 2014

What a Week It Was!!

Wow!  It's eye-opening and startling to see how things can change in a week's time!

It began with a trip to an ophthalmologist for my eye.  I had a Subconjunctival  Hemorrhage - in our turns a blood vessel had broken in the white of my eye and made the eye look horrible.  Thankfully, my eyes are healthy - it's just one of those things that happen.

Mel became sick with strep.  He was running a high fever so we went to Urgent Care where they gave him a powerful shot and dose of antibiotics.  It took him several days to recuperate.  (I became the farm hand in charge - sounds official doesn't it.  It just means I did the chores on the farm solo.

Mat came down with bronchitis and so did Margaret.

The tragic shooting at Ft. Hood - we have 3 family members stationed there.  How thankful we are that they were safe and not harmed.  Unfortunately, 2 are having to deal more directly with the incident.

Amberlea was in St. Louis when she woke up to sirens sounding because of tornadoes nearby, then later that night the announcement from the hotel staff that they needed to go to the basement for safety.
Their dog of 12 years also died.

How thankful and blessed we are that none of these occurrences ended up being the worst of what could have been!  They were definitely bad enough!!

What do people do who do not depend on God???  I just cannot imagine!!!

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."      Proverbs 3:5  

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