Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Watching the Boys Play Football

Mel and I went to Waco to see Jacob and Mathew play football.  We met Bryan, Melodi and the girls at Chuy's before the game.

Paul Tyson Football Field

It was so good to see everyone and we enjoyed watching the game.
The boys played hard and we were very proud of them!

September Horse Show

Mel and Buttercup did fair in the September horse show.  The main thing is Mel enjoys doing it.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Farm Critters

Our first egg from one of the chicks!

Tiger, the kitten is growing and continues his funny antics!

Mel practices opening a gate while on Buttercup.

lzzie Lizzie is not quite as spoiled as when we first got her.
Mel is doing a good job working with her!

Things are always happening on the farm!

Can Still Haul Hay!!

A chance to get some small square bales of hay was offered to us.  The small bales are great to feed to horses and to calves when weaning.  We thought we were getting 30, but it ended up being 120!
By the time the last loaded was unloaded, we were tuckered out, especially Mel!  He is still the "strong buck that can haul hay"!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Woods Family Visit

We were thrilled that the Woods Family visited the farm and that the kids would spend a day with us.

The kids with Grammy

Since Melodi and Bryan went to the city, we met in the afternoon at Arbuckle Fried Pies at Davis.
Yum! Yum!! Yum!!!

 A fun visit with the Woods Family!!  We look forward to more very soon!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Izzie Comes to the Farm

Izzie came to the farm the following week.  Her foot was healed and not a problem.
Mel was not thrilled with her name, but the girls and I liked it (thought it was unique and spunky), so we compromised.  Her name is Izzie Lizzie!!

Izzie Lizzie and Buttercup getting acquainted

Mel riding Izzie Lizzie

I ride her

Izzie Lizzie is a little spoiled (she hadn't been ridden for a few years) but a very sweet-natured mare.  She will work well for the farm!

Texas Fun!

For our birthdays and anniversary, the girls and their families had gotten tickets to the "All you can eat" section at the Texas Rangers baseball game.  A weekend of fun in Texas was planned for all of us!  
Grandpop, Jett and I left a day early for our weekend in Texas.

The Donut Palace in Davis was our breakfast stop.

Yum!  Yum!

A tired Jett

Dennard's Western Store
Mel had earned points during last year's horse show and received a gift card to Dennard's.
It was time to use it.

Candlelite Inn
There is quite a story about the Candlelite Inn for Mel and I.
43 years ago on our honeymoon, Mel and I ate at the Candlelite Inn in Arlington, Texas.  We had eaten there a few times since then.  A couple of years ago we stopped to eat there and it was closed.  We assumed they had gone out of business after all those years.  By chance Mel suggested we drive by just to check it ou once again.  Would you believe they were open for business!  What had happened was they totally remodeled the restaurant, but kept the same decor as it was 43 years ago!

Anyone remember these?  Juke boxes at your table!

Our hotel

Grandpop and Jett waiting while I check us in the hotel

Purchasing tickets for the Rangers' game

Pool Time

Ready for the baseball game!

Riding the shuttle to the game

The ballpark

Food before the game

Back at the hotel after the game, Bryan, Melodi and kids and Mitch and Amber had made it to Texas.
We were ready for our fun time in Texas to begin!!

 Mathew and Jacob with Grandpop

Time for coffee!

Waiting for the group for breakfast

Breakfast time

Emma's birthday!
Hard to believe she is 11 years old!

Family meeting for the day's agenda

The decision was that the girls would go shopping and the guys would tour Globe Life Park, baseball stadium of Texas Rangers.   Afterwards the guys would meet us at the mall for lunch at Chuys.

The birthday girl and her mom

Since the stores were not open yet, we enjoyed coffee and hot chocolate!

Selfie of the girls ready to shop!

The guys on their tour

In the dugout

The guys are patiently waiting for the girls to complete their shopping!

Our family group!

Lunch at Chuys

When the waitress found out that it was Emma's birthday, she brought her sopias.

Time to head back to the hotel for swimming in the pool!

Emma's birthday cake

We also had a chocolate chip cookie.

The birthday girl with her cake!

A birthday party poolside

After a thunderstorm arrived in our area, we went to the rooms and rested before time to go to the game.  The thunderstorm cooled temperatures down considerably.  The temp for the baseball game was in the 80's - quite a change from the close to 100's earlier in the afternoon!

Waiting for the shuttle
The Dallas Cowboys were having an exhibition game at their stadium plus the Rangers baseball game  
so needless to say a lot of people were going the same direction.

On the shuttle

Waiting outside for the doors to open

Our tickets

The wristband for the all you can eat section

Looking down at field from the air-conditioned food section

Mitch saving our booth

Play Ball!!

 Everyone enjoyed the game with full stomachs!  Unfortunately, the Rangers lost.
A fun and memorable time together for the Bradford Clan!!

Rain on the way home Sunday morning

A big "Thank You" to the Woods Family and Elliott Family for our tickets to the game!