Saturday, September 6, 2014

Adventures on the Farm for Jett

Since school would be starting soon, Jett came for a visit.

Izzie, the Horse
Grandpop had found out about a horse, Izzie, from the ferrier.  After calling the lady, we went to see about her.  She was a pretty small mare and we all fell in love with her;  however, she was limping and we did not need a lame horse.  Her hooves had been trimmed the day before and she was in a pasture with 2 other horses so we assumed one or both of those could account for her sore feet. 
Grandpop told the lady that we would call the next week to see how she was doing.

Granpop haltered Buttercup and Jett rode her bareback to the barn.

The chauffeur

Jett checking out the vine that grows in pastures during the hot summer.

I wanted to clean out the chicken pen.  Jett was a great help!

One day for lunch we enjoyed the pizza buffet.
Jett was figuring out when his next stay on the farm would be with school starting soon!
We will make sure he does!

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