Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Repairing Siding

Who would have thought that high winds and tornadoes would occur in Oklahoma in December?
A piece of siding blew off the end of the house because of the winds.  This has happened before, only not in December.  Mel and I are becoming experts in replacing siding; however, we are not interested in a full time career in this field!
We rented a lift because of the height we needed.  So by the time we arrived home, it was 4:00 p.m. and we were returning the lift by the time the rental place opened the next morning.  We tried to work quickly because of darkness not far off and it was getting cold!  After a little experimentation and having to call the consultant, we were finally able to get to work.  (We ended up having to unplug the battery to get it to work properly.  I would call that "rebooting" myself.)  Finally by about 6:15 we had our job completed!
A funny happening toward the end:  While Mel was retracting the arms of the lift.   As he did the wheels lowered to the ground.  Mel had his foot in the way.  After inquiring why he has stopped the arms when he did, he replied,  "It's on my foot!"  I do believe that was a good reason why.  Luckily, his foot was not hurt!  After knowing his foot was okay, we just had to laugh and laugh!!  After the long, tiring cold afternoon, a good laugh was just what we needed!

As you can see, we had to use porch lights and a flashlight toward the end!  Darkness did not stop these 2 siding repair hands!

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