Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Great Farm Helpers!

Jacob and Mathew came home with us to help on the farm since Grandpop has the broken lumbar vertebraes.
They were great help to us by helping me do the chores!

March Madness

Playing cards and games

School Work

My kitchen chef

Thank you, Boys for being so helpful !!!

A Visit to the ER

After Mel falling and hurting his back, we made a trip to the ER.  A Cat-scan and MRI showed he had Lumbar vertebraes 1, 2 and 3 that are broken!

Melodi and Amberlea met us at the ER and stayed with us during the time there.  

How thankful we are for these beautiful, loving, caring daughters!   We are so blessed!!!
Thank you, Girls!!

Spring Break on the Farm

Jett spent several days of his spring break on the farm.  

Jett reading his book about the gorilla who lived in a shopping mall.

Time for a straw hat!
We went to Ada to do errands.  A stop to Rhynes, a unique store, was made.  Time for Jett to have a straw hat like Jake and Mat!

Of course you can't go to town without stopping at Braum's.
"After many years of searching" (Jett's wording), he found the perfect malt - cappuccino chocolate chunk !

We bought cots for the girls and Jett to use on the farm.


Jett holding Tiger

Amazing how much fun a boy can have with a broom and a stick!

A bird nest Jett discovered in one of the bushes.

 Trying out the cot

Barn time with the horses
After learning to turn Buttercup by using his heels, Jett really enjoys riding her!

Many fun times and memories!!

Grammy's 88th Birthday

Grammy turned 88 on March 10th.  We enjoyed having a hamburger cook-out to celebrate her birthday.

A great time with family and a wonderful woman - Geneva!
Happy Birthday Geneva!  We wish you many, many more!!!

Texas Grandkids Visit the Farm

We were thrilled to have Jake, Mat, Emma and McKaylea on the farm for a couple of days!
The weather was not the best, but that doesn't keep us from having fun!

Snowball fight anyone?
Look how creative - McKaylea didn't have any gloves so she used socks!

Kitchen Helpers!
The kids are great helpers in the kitchen!

Time for Crafts
The girls worked on "Yarn by Numbers".

A fun time to be together!!!