Sunday, August 21, 2016

A Fun Day with the Kids and Grandkids for Our Birthdays

How special our kids and grandkids made us feel for our birthdays and 45th Anniversary!  They all came down and brought a delicious Mexican meal!  We enjoyed chicken and beef enchiladas with all the fixings, dips and chips.  To top all of that off we had home-made cinnamon ice cream in waffle cones or cups!  Yum!! Yum!!

We enjoyed visiting and catching up (plus eating)!

Our 5 "Special Blessings" that keep us young!!

All 11 of us!!

How blessed Mel and I are with such wonderful kids and grandkids!  The love we share and the fun times together make so many precious memories and are so special and priceless!  We are so thankful for our family!!
Thank you to The Woods Family and The Elliott Family !!

Jett on the Farm - Saturday

After having chocolate chip waffles for breakfast, we let the chickens out of their pen, then headed to the garden.  Jett kept a watch out for the bunny that lives in or around the garden, but he was nowhere to be found today!

Checking out where the Kildee birds had a nest earlier

Picking black-eye peas

He loves to climb on the old corral

 Carrying part of our harvest to the pick-up

When we arrived home, Grandpop was working on moving panels.  Jett helped!

Jett took a selfie of he and I

We went to visit Grammy and to take her lunch.  Afterwards, Uncle Jerry took us out to eat at Polo's for my birthday!  Delicious!!
A nap was in order after we arrived home.  The Olympics games were on so we watched them.
Our movie was "What History Forgot - Secret Weapons".  The movie was very informative!

What a fun week with Jett!  
Our week was "out of the norm" with Grammy being in the hospital.  Also, the weather was very hot so we had limited time in the morning and late in the day for it to be enjoyable outside!  
Jett has learned to expect the unexpected on the farm.  You never know what will come up!!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Jett on the Farm - Friday

I needed to go to town (again??) to get Grammy's prescriptions.  Jett was not feeling well so he stayed with Grandpop.  He did feel better after some medicine.  He did manage to eat 2 slices of cinnamon toast before I left.  While I was gone, he ate 2 Fruity Pebble bars - definitely feeling better!!
Mazzio's was where we went for lunch.  Jett looks forward to the chocolate chip dessert pizza.  Today they were trying a new one - cookie dough pizza.  Jett thought it was good, but his favorite is the chocolate chip pizza!

Minecraft Legos

Everyone was full and ready for a nap!  It had been a long hot and tiring week!
We finished the last half of "Sandlot 3".

Jett on the Farm - Thursday

Thursday morning was work day.  After going to the garden Mel and I mowed.

Letting the chickens out of their pen

I ran out of gas on the mower so Jett went to the barn to get me some more!  How handy he is!!

We were eating our lunch of hot dogs when Grammy called.  She wanted to come home from the hospital.  After going up thinking she had told them, we found out she had not and they had no plan to discharge her.  After they called the doctor the therapist said she would come home after 5.  We went back up to bring her home!  Did she allow us to be the "bad guys" about getting her discharged???
Waiting for final papers, etc.

Grammy wanted a hamburger from Braum's.  Jett tried a cherry limeade for the first time.  He thought it was pretty good!!
Every afternoon we have had ice cream, shakes, hamburgers, or chicken strips.  It was time for a break from our Braum's stops.  The stops would end since Grammy was home!

After getting her settled at home we watched the first half of "Sandlot 3".  
A busy and tiring day on the farm!!

Jett on the Farm - Wednesday

Chocolate chip muffins was on the breakfast menu today.  Jett played outside this morning since we delivered meals.
Playing with Priscilla

Driving around pond area on the 50 acres

Delivering meals

Lunch was pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw and chips.
Later, we went to see Grammy at the hospital.
Ice cream was our dessert on our way home.
The movie was "Cowboy Canteen".