Sunday, August 27, 2017

Mel's New Toy

With piles of dirt by the pond that was left by cleaning it out, Mel has been trying to figure out how to get it to other places on the farm.  The solution:  A dump trailer!!

Greasing the trailer and checking everything out!

Changing the trailer hitch

 Ready for use!!

Mel is so pleased with the trailer!  It is making his job much easier!!  
One trailer load holds 5 tractor buckets of dirt!!

The Knife

This was my Mother's knife.  It is at least 60 plus years old.  All the family members know how special it is to me.  A while back I was doing peaches.  When I cleaned up, I could not find the knife anywhere!!  Oh no!!  
Today when getting ready to peel cucumbers for pickles, I looked in my utensil container and lo and behold it was there!!  The missing knife is found and still in the family!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Eclipse

To view the eclipse Mel suggested welding helmets.  We decided to check the tint rating and the ones he had were not quite tinted enough.  Next best thing was the papers and pin hole.  The papers worked great!  Priscilla decided she wanted to be in on the activity!

Lunch with Amberlea and Jett

We enjoyed lunch with Amberlea and Jett at Chili's.  After lunch they went to school for Jett to meet teachers and leave supplies.  He would begin school the next day.

August Ranch Sorting

Time again for ranch sorting.  This month was not good as no score was made!  So many variables enter into the sorting - the calves, how tired or fresh they are and the gatekeeper.

Warming up

Just about time to sort

After the sorting competition we went through the drive-through for barbecue.  Don't know if this is the first time a horse in a trailer has done that.  We can say that Buttercup has!!

46 Years!!

46 years ago this young couple started out!  Now we have 2 wonderful daughters, 2 great sons-in-law and 5 precious grandchildren!  Wow!  How blessed Mel and I are!  I am so thankful for this fantastic husband of mine!
We went to Outback to celebrate.


Our crew

Looking forward to another 46!!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Mel's Birthday and Jett for the Day

Mel decided he wanted a new driver for his birthday.  After 20 + years he decided it was time and the clubs have improved so since then.
The club pro fitted him with one!  Now to practice and "get used to it".

 We picked up Jett.  He needed breakfast - pig in a blanket and a doughnut.


 Mel with his new driver

Trying it out!

Grandpop had a club for Jett to use for practice.

 Correct hand grip!

 Now to try it!

Jett drove the golf cart.

Mel's choice for lunch was Billy Sims Barbecue.


Happy Birthday to my very special Hubby!!  He's just "another year younger"!!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Our Trip to PW Merc - Lunch

After touring the Lodge we headed back to Pawhuska to enjoy lunch.   It was around 12:30.  There was a fairly long line waiting to get in to the restaurant.  After standing in line a few minutes an employee came by with cold bottled water for anyone that wanted some.  We asked how long until we would be in the restaurant and were told 2 1/2 to 3 hours!!  Really!!!
He explained they did have a "Grab and Go Menu".  The items on the  limited menu were boxed and ready to go so you could get them and then sit in the park or other tables provided around the block.  2 1/2 to 3 hours was not what we wanted to do, so we did the "Grab and Go Menu".  This location was a separate entrance north of restaurant entrance.  Amberlea filled out our menu sheet to be turned in: 2 lasagna orders, one order of pot roast with veggies,  and one order of meatballs with mac and cheese.    
Once inside we saw Ladd.  Amberlea and Jett had their picture taken with him.  After giving the counter lady our order sheet she came back from the kitchen and told us there was only 1 lasagna and they did have the meatball dinner.  Well,  what now???  Amberlea changed hers to Asian Salad and I had the ham and Swiss cheese sandwich.  After getting our orders we went across the street to a nice small park area with benches.  The weather was great and the food was very good.

Ladd with Jett and Amberlea

Getting our dinners

 In the park area 

My boxed sandwich dinner
It also had grapes, tomatoes with olive oil and basil and a cookie.

What a great time we had!  
The weather was wonderful and we enjoyed a fun time together!!

Our Trip to the PW's Merc - The Lodge

The Lodge was located 12 miles west of Pawhuska, 4 miles north and then a few more miles east.  The road going north and then east was a typical country road, gravel.  About 6 miles west of Pawhuska was the sign Drummond Ranch, however; this is not the road to The Lodge.   We wondered if that road led to their homes.

The Lodge 
What a spectacular place!

Quite the pantry 

In one of the living areas

One of the 4 bedrooms in the Lodge

Sink in one of bedroom's bath

Back porch of Lodge

View from back porch