Sunday, October 29, 2017

Football Game in Arlington

Grandpop and I enjoyed seeing the boys in Arlington at their football game!!
It was a "tad" nippy at the game, but, of course, it is that time of the year!!

We did enjoy eating at In-N-Out before the game!!

Confusing Weather???

My azaleas are blooming in October!!  Also, my rose bushes are loaded with roses!
I do believe the plants are just as confused about the weather as I am!!  Time to enjoy the beauty before winter sets in to stay!!

Where Did the Tomatoes Go???

After finding the tomatoes taken from the garden by whatever critter (we think a pack rat), we closed all the doors to the chicken coop and moved the milk crate outside.  Now, something has taken the tomatoes that were in the milk crate.
Did the same critter come back and find a new spot or did a new critter take advantage of the free tomatoes???  I suppose we'll never know!  Just one of Interesting happenings on the farm!!

Meeting at Panera Bread

Mel and I met Amberlea and Jett at Panera Bread during their fall break.  Always fun to visit and enjoy good food and coffee together!

Clearing Brush

Mel has been using his new brush trimmer to clear away briars and brambles!!  The tractor comes in handy to load the brush.  He has made headway, but still a long ways to go!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Tomato Thief!!

Earlier in the summer, I noticed a couple of tomatoes close to the chicken coop - quite a distance from the plants.  We tried to figure out if it was a squirrel, raccoon or what.  Well,  we found out after checking inside the coop!  We must have a pack rat who is the tomato thief.  Inside were a couple of the nests filled with various things along with green tomatoes.  Also, by the studs were more tomatoes!!  There were at least 8 green tomatoes stashed in there!!
I picked the remainder of the green tomatoes so we can enjoy them instead of the pack rat!!

The tomatoes I picked before the pack rat got them!!

One more critter to try to "outsmart" on the farm!!!

The Woods Family on the Farm

We were thrilled to have the Woods Family on the farm for the weekend!  
McKaylea stayed with us while the others went to OKC.

Riding Buddy

Emma helped with breakfast.

A nice slow relaxing day!

The kids helped Grandpop with farm chores.

Emma made the chocolate chip cookie pizza that McKaylea wanted for her birthday.

Halloween Crafts

One of the "Birthday Girls"! (November)

The other "Birthday Girl" (November)

McKaylea with her cookie pizzas


 Off to Ride Horses!
The girls rode in the dump wagon.

The boys chose the pick-up cab!!

Melodi, Bryan and I took the "orange horse".

Emma practiced driving.

Grandpop riding Buttercup with no reins!!

A fun time with many memories!!