Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Woods Family on the Farm

We were thrilled to have the Woods Family on the farm for the weekend!  
McKaylea stayed with us while the others went to OKC.

Riding Buddy

Emma helped with breakfast.

A nice slow relaxing day!

The kids helped Grandpop with farm chores.

Emma made the chocolate chip cookie pizza that McKaylea wanted for her birthday.

Halloween Crafts

One of the "Birthday Girls"! (November)

The other "Birthday Girl" (November)

McKaylea with her cookie pizzas


 Off to Ride Horses!
The girls rode in the dump wagon.

The boys chose the pick-up cab!!

Melodi, Bryan and I took the "orange horse".

Emma practiced driving.

Grandpop riding Buttercup with no reins!!

A fun time with many memories!!

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