Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our Second Rangers' Game

A cool front came through Arlington so Mel and I walked to the game. Mel thought we needed to look "authentic baseball" so we bought these Hamilton shirts.
The Golden Knights, an elite group of Army parachuters performed before the game. One became tangled in the flagpole, fortunately he was not hurt! Also 30 new recruits were sworn in before the game.
About midway through the game our stomachs got the best of us and we had supreme nachos - nachos with everything on them. Since they are easier to eat at a table, we found one at the back of the ballpark and began eating. Would you believe the most exciting parts of the game occurred during our "nacho break" and we could not see easily what happened but we could sure hear it! Here is what happened: Hamilton hit a home run; Blanco hit a double; and Molina hit a double. The Rangers won again 4 to 3.

In our Hamilton shirts - "Ballgame ready"

Our self-portrait at the game

The Golden Knights performance

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