Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Whose Donkeys???

Sunday evening our neighbor, Tony, called and said he had 2 donkeys in his yard. Would we know whose they could be??? We called a couple of people and they didn't know then drove around to a few neighbors north of us. No one know whose donkeys they were. Mel called the sheriff to have them deal with the donkeys. Our concern was the donkeys getting on the Turnpike and someone getting hurt. The deputy came and he and Mel managed to get them to Julie's pasture, then the deputy sheriff left. The fence at Julie's was not for keeping animals in so Mel along with Julie's family drove the donkeys north. After about 2 miles the donkeys headed on north. The next day Mel's Mom was talking to her friend and come to find out they belonged to her son, a few miles north of here. The mystery was finally solved!

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