Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Week on the Farm for the Older Boys

After the younger grandchildren spent their week on the farm it was then the boy's turn.   When we met in Arkansas City, Kansas we exchanged the girls for Mathew and Jacob.

We drove south toward the farm.  Close to OKC the boys were getting hungry as well as Grandpop and I.  Cracker Barrel was the decision for lunch.  Quite a different restaurant than the week before when McDonald's was the choice of the younger ones.  Is that a sign that the boys are growing up or does it mean appetites are larger than what you get at McDonald's or could it be both???

We arrived home and everyone was ready to relax and cool off for a while.  The boys did a craft, watched baseball, collected grasshoppers, and waited for sunset to go to the barn to put the chickens to roost.

Catching Grasshoppers
The boys went outside to see how hot it was and noticed how many grasshoppers we had around the house.  They decided to catch some and take them to the barn for the chickens.

Peeking at the grasshoppers in the container Jake had for collecting them

Jacob wondered what the kittens would do with the grasshoppers.  They were not sure at first, but then decided they would be good playthings.  They would "box" them around, then let them go, just to catch them again to play.

Finally it was time to go to the barn!

 The boys gave the grasshoppers to the chickens.

Playing on the Hay
The boys had a fun time playing on the bales of hay.  They would jump from one row of bales to the other.  I cautioned them to be careful.  We didn't want any broken bones!  They said they would.  After they jumped several times I just happened to see Mat go down between bales.  Quickly a hand shot up, waved and he yelled, "I'm okay!".  I was thankful for that!!  Amazing how bales of hay can provide such fun for kids.

One Way to Relax!

Ft. McHenry and the Swings
The boys had to check out Ft. McHenry.  Any changes that had been made by the younger grandkids were noticed.  They thought the swings Grandpop had put up were great.  Jake did try one out.

Trinket never passes up a chance for attention and to be petted.  The boys made sure she got pats of love and attention.

The Trailer
Grandpop and I had commented how the younger kids had used the trailer as a "teeter-totter".  Mat and Jake decided they would try it out as well.  It worked!

I think Mat may have had some mischievous idea, but after a second thought changed his mind.

Jacob had a couple of days  he didn't feel as well as normal.  He was recuperating from having strep the week before so a couple of days he didn't go to the barn early with Grandpop.  We knew by that he was not "up to par".
Barn Time
Mathew sharpening his knife
Mat and Grandpop hooking up the trailer so Mat can load and haul off the dried corn stalks.

Looking for Tomato Worms

Checking the plants for Bugs and Worms

The Chickens are Ready for Jake's Treat

Mat had a flat tire so after getting a new tube, he had it ready to ride.
Jake with Boots, the cat, in his Lap

Grammy's Visit
Grammy came to the barn to visit with the boys.

Going to Town
I needed some groceries so the boys wanted to go with me.  Grammy decided to go along.  Jake and Mat are a lot of help while shopping. 
Since the weather was still so hot we bought some Lego sets for them to put together.  Hard to make decisions when there are so many choices of Lego sets!
We also purchased a couple of crafts for them to do.

The Boys' Creations

The Big Lego Set

It didn't take the boys long to put the set together.

Playing games in the hot afternoons provided entertainement for us.  Scrabble, Rummikub, Creationary, Walk the Plank and card games were what we enjoyed.


Walk the Plank

Later the boys used the Creationary game parts to build their own ideas.  They were so creative!  Jacob built a lawnmower and car.  Mathew built a drum set. 
Amazing to me how the boys can visualize them and build them!

Painting,  foil crafts, stepping stones, and wooden car kits were some we did.
The boys were very creative and did fantastic jobs on the different crafts.

Stepping Stones

Painting the Stones

Wooden Car Set

The Directions
I had the boys read the directions before they began to make sure they knew what to do.  Nothing like having a little educational assignment from Grandmom.

The Finished Cars

Poster Art

Special Food Requests
The boys enjoy country cooking.  They had a few special requests:  chicken fried steak, chocolate cake, homemade ice cream,  and fried okra.
 I told Jake I would fix his belated birthday meal while he was here - steak was the request.

Mat tried to get out of the picture

Mathew stirred the icing for the chocolate cake.

Of course, you can't prepare icing without tasting and later cleaning out the pan!

My assistant cook stirred the okra.

Later in the week we had pizza.

Our Funny Kittens
One afternoon Jake wanted me to see the kitten in the garage.  It was sitting in an ice chest.  I believe it figured out how to stay cool in this very hot weather!

Reading and Game Time

Notice Jacob's shorts - they are his barn shorts and were what he wore when he painted the fence last summer.  Quite a style!!

Jacob and Mathew played their DS and they were good about reading to pass the time.  Later in the week we went to town and the boys bought a new game apiece for our trip to Texas.

Fantasy Baseball
Grandpop let the boys make up their own team for Fantasy Baseball.  We had quite the excitement watching the games later to see how their players did. 
A funny story:  each one played against another player on the fantasy baseball  - so that meant each one had a separate opponent.  Jake's players were not doing as well as he wanted when he checked the score.  He told Mat that he (Mat) was in last place and himself (Jake) was in 2nd place (the truth - they were both in 2nd place).  I suppose that was just a matter of perspective from Jake!

Mat wore his Texas Rangers' hat during the ballgame. 
Jake left his Kansas City Royals' hat at home, but it didn't keep him from cheering for them.

The boys played ball outside.

Our Drivers
We had 2 excellent chauffeurs while the boys were here.

Swimming with Aunt Julia
 Aunt Julia took the boys swimming at her mother-in-law's pool a couple of days.  She said she had fun spending time with the boys and working on her tan at the same time. 

Outside Waiting for Aunt Julia

 She arrived and they loaded up in her van.

Jacob, Mathew and Grandmom really like Nutella spread.  They had snacks of Ritz crackers spread with peanut butter and Nutella. 
Mathew was the one who introduced me to Nutella while we were in France.  Yum! Yum!  We love that chocolate hazelnut spread!!

Time to Go Home
The week-end came and it was time for the boys to go home.  They asked if they could stay and work for their keep.  They promised not to eat much and do good work.  Sounds as though they enjoyed their week with us.  I know Grandpop and I sure did. 
We headed out, stopped at Braums at Pauls Valley before meeting Dad in Kansas.

Back in the car the boys watched the movie, Where the Red Fern Grows 2, we had watched the first movie during an earlier visit. 

After having a Yahoo drink, Mat made an opera singer with his can and a napkin.  You could even see her tongue inside the can opening (part of the napkin hanging down).  Creative don't you think?

We reached our destination a little before Bryan. 

Their Dad Arrives

Transferring their Belongings

Grandpop and I headed back to the farm.  It sure seemed quiet and different since it was just the two of us.  We had two weeks of special times with the grandkids - time spent together that is priceless!
We decided to stop at Libby's in Goldsby for our evening meal.

What a wonderful week with Jacob and Mathew.  These two boys are so sweet, thoughtful and very helpful.  They are growing up too quickly. 
Fun times with many memories together!!

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