Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Wonderful 40th Anniversary SURPRISE!

Last Saturday our kids and grandkids surprised (and I mean surprised) Mel and I with a 40th Wedding Anniversary celebration.  What a special gesture they did and the time spent together means so much to us.  We know how truly blessed we are with such loving and caring daughters, sons-in-law and grandchildren!  Who could ask for more in this life than that?
The doorbell rang and Mel and I got to the door about the same time to open it.  There on the porch stood all 9 of them!  They said the look on our faces showed total surprise and I know it must have.  After the shock they did exclaim,"We did bring food!"  They did - steaks, potatoes for baking, corn on the cob, hot rolls, bacon, milk and cream for breakfast Sunday morning!  They also brought the loveliest and most delicious wedding cupcakes!  Yum! Yum!

We visited for a while then the kids gave us a video of our 40 years together and an album they had put together celebrating our lives.  How precious these are to us!  Full of so many memories.  Thank you, girls, for doing this for us!!

The Video

 Admiring our Album

Time to prepare our meal.  Bryan and Mitch got the steak and corn ready then grilled steak while Melodi and Amberlea prepared the potatoes and rolls. 
What a delicious meal we enjoyed!
Devising the Plan

After our meal the grandkids wanted to sample the cupcakes (so did Amberlea, Melodi and myself).  We had plenty so they had a sample before the afternoon celebration.


Later in the afternoon the girls set up a beautiful table for our family to enjoy. 

Later Grammy came to visit and so did Julia.  They viewed the video, looked at the album and enjoyed a cupcake.

FANTASTIC FORTY!  That sums up our lives!   Mel and I have had a great life together and our kids and grandkids bless our lives in so many ways.  We are not rich materially, but we are millionaires when it comes to our family!!  That is what life is all about!! Thank you Bryan, Melodi, Jacob, Mathew, Emma, McKaylea, Mitch, Amberlea and Jett!!  We love you so very much!
Now we continue on for another 40!

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