Monday, November 5, 2012

After the Storm

A couple of weeks ago we had a wind storm with much needed rain.  The winds blew very hard, in fact, further south of us, they were clocked at 80 mph.  Luckily, we did not have much damage, just a couple of aggravating things to take care of.
Our stock trailer was turned to the east instead of south as he had parked it so he was able to move that easily.
The livestock shed at the Annex had blown over 2 flips  It was staked and had stayed through several earlier thunderstorms, but not this one.  So with tractor, chain and patience, he was able to get it back like it should be with an audience of the cows, Jett and myself watching.

The shed beginning its first flip

One flip completed

Hooking up with the chain for the 2nd flip

The cows wondering what Mel was doing

Process of 2nd flip

 All is "right" with the world again!

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