Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fun on the Farm

Jett came to the farm to spend a few days.  Adventure always awaits when we have the grandkids spend time with us.  
Batman on the farm
Jett had gotten his Halloween costume so he brought it.

Nothing like drawing a ship on the Toaster Strudel with your icing!

Doing his time line for school

The first morning this was what he had written on the bottom of his math page.
He decided to erase it and cheerfully do his work.  He told me at least he had practiced his handwriting!
Sounds like good reasoning to me!!

Activities we did:
Lego games

Tile designs
Grandpop had gone golfing so it was my job to be the "farm hand".  Jett was the helper while we fed the animals and watered them.  The cat would chase Jett on the hay bales.

Posing for the camera

I think the cat had enough and was looking to escape!

While watering at the Annex, Jett played on the hay there and also checked the cows.
The cows seem to be checking him out as well! 

A fun way to go to the barn

Jett petting the chicken

What boy does not enjoy playing in dirt????

The creation he was building

He practiced his moves fighting off the bad guys and monsters.

Bicycle time

Tree climbing

Walking the old creek bed 

Uncle Jerry had gotten a new puppy.  What fun for a boy and the pup!


Our day to deliver meals - Jett played on the playground while the food was being packed for delivery.

Jett would hand me the dessert containers and bread when we made the stops.

Movie night with popcorn and pretzels

Enjoying apple cider and Chex Mix

Pumpkin loaf - I made 3 pumpkin loaves while Jett was here!  How he enjoys it warmed with butter!

Talking to his Mom on the phone

Visiting Grammy

We went to meet Grandpop returning from his golf trip.  Talk about a comfortable way to travel!!

The wide open spaces of the farm provide a unique place for kids to play, use imagination and enjoy a change of pace.  Time with grandkids is always special to us!

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