Sunday, April 7, 2013

Our "Babies Immunization" Time

It was time for our "babies", the 9 calves, to have their immunizations, etc.  Mel had made an appointment with the vet (this day and time appointments are made with the vet, rather than just taking animals to them as in the past).
Early in the morning we loaded up the 9 "sure enough good looking" calves for their trip.  For a while mamas were bawling, but not for long as they went to graze.  When the calves  were returned, they were glad to see their babies and the calves were tired after their vet visit.

Early morning when the sun was just peeking in the horizon.  A light haze with the glow of the sun made for a beautiful sight!

Mel getting the calves into the loading area

Time to back the trailer for loading calves

He had to get the new baby out of the loading area.  It was too young to go.

The mud puddle - a great sight to see - because of the much needed rain we had received the few days  before!

Headed for the trailer

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