Sunday, May 19, 2013

Buttercup Comes to the Farm

6 weeks after purchasing Reygun Buttercup,  she came home to Surrey Hills Farm.  Mel had left her at Ardmore so he could practice with Andy, the trainer, in the various categories of the horse show competition.

Time to load up

Peeking out

Time to unload and see your new home

Mel showing her around
The chickens seemed to catch her attention!

The 3 horses already on the farm noticed immediately a new one.  They were very curious and neighing between the horses was sure going on.  

The 3 moving closer to get a better look

Leading her to the barn

Mel's "pride and joy"

Buttercup in her stall with feed
Buttercup has settled in nicely.  In fact, she seems to be the "queen of the hill".  After being with other horses in a pasture with no grass, I'm sure she is enjoying being "the only horse" in her paddock and having an abundance of green grass.

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