Saturday, June 1, 2013

Happenings on the Farm

The city boy came to the farm.

The guys are off to work.

Expanding the Flowerbed by the Road
It was time to do something with the 2 old plows that had been sitting around the farm.  So the decision to add them to the flowerbed by the road seemed to be the answer.  Mel is moving one of them here for "trial purposes" to see if we liked it there.  Yes, we do, so now comes the work.

 Time for landscape timber

 Checking to see if this is where and what we want

 After deciding it was, the guys needed their power tools

 Grandpop and Jett bolting the timbers together

The completed flowerbed

All Work and No Play Will Not Do on the Farm!

So a little play time was enjoyed!

The Malts
 Since we needed to go to town to get mulch for the flowerbed, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to enjoy a malt.  (Jett discovered he really liked malts the time he thought birthday cake ice cream would be good, but not as good as he had imagined.  He and I switched - my malt for his ice cream.) 
Jett informed us that a small malt was not enough!  He needed a medium.  He drank the whole thing!

Grandpop enjoying his malt

The Rainy Morning
 One of the mornings we were blessed with rain.  What a good time to enjoy spiced tea on the patio in our pajamas!

Ice Cream Instead of a Malt
When we took Jett to meet his Dad, we told him we would get him a malt.   He changed his mind when we stopped and had cappuccino chocolate chunk - 2 scoops even!  He ate all but a couple of bites.  I do believe this boy must be growing!
We never lack for fun and exciting things to do on the farm!

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