Friday, December 13, 2013

Funny Happenings

Funny happenings occurred during our sad time.  Life does go on and these things did provide a "glimmer of light" and joy during a difficult time.

The Happenings:
We were told by the kids that the clock in the garage fell off the wall.  No one knew how or why that would happen.  Supposedly, they put it back on the wall for it to fall again and this time it slid sideways. ???
The next morning Mel and I checked - the clock was on the wall and keeping the correct time!

The toilet seat in a bathroom broke.  No ideas on this one either.

Mel woke up early and began to get dressed for the barn.  Jake had slept in the craft room where Mel's barn clothes were.  He found another pair of clothes in our bedroom closet.  After getting dressed he drove to the barn to begin his morning.  The gate was locked and he did not have his keys as they were in the pocket of the jeans where Jake was asleep.  He got out, walked to the barn for the spare key, walked back to unlock the gate, then drove to the barn.

The kids built a fort in the trees south of the house.  Many hours were spent by them moving limbs, etc. for the fort.

The first time the kids went to the trees where the fort was built, they sent McKaylea back to inform the adults where they were playing.  The walk back was rather long so she did not come all the way to tell us.

Not being able to see the kids, only hearing them, Melodi and Amberlea headed out in the mule to find them.  While looking for the kids at the barn, they called to see if we wanted them to feed the chickens and cats.  Yes, we appreciated that.  
Well the story goes:  Melodi had on her house slippers and walking in the chicken pen was not her first choice.  Amberlea began to attempt to get them into the smaller pen.  Melodi suggested that Amber just pick up the chickens and carry them into the pen.  "No way" was Amber's response.  So the girls "herded" the chickens in the pen with sticks.  (Quite a funny sight I can imagine - could our poor chickens be traumatized? 

Thin tree limbs were whittled into spears.  I think a few times someone might have gotten speared.  

Cell phones:  One phone that was in a hip pocket fell into the toilet.  I had some rice so it was used to dry out the phone.  Another phone was left at the fort overnight.  It was foggy and damp overnight.  After being found, another bag of rice was used for this phone.

I'm sure there may be other happenings of which we were not aware.  Perhaps in the years to come we will find out about them.

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