Saturday, December 21, 2013

Winter Weather (The First Time)

Winter weather came to visit Oklahoma bringing freezing rain, sleet, snow and very cold temperatures for an extended period of time!
Making sure the animals had plenty of hay, water and feed required more time.  It also took longer for Mel to get dressed with thermal undies, extra socks and his warm knitted cap.
He put heat lights by the pressure tanks in both barns so the water would not freeze.  The cats enjoyed staying in the barn close to the lights.  Fortunately, all the animals survived.

We experienced a "mini" ice event before the "big storm" occurred.

The "Big Storm"

A funny story:  After the temps warmed some, Mel turned off the lights by the pressure tanks.  One morning after the cats had stayed outside the barn for the night, they came running in and sat in front of the lights that were turned off.  We had to laugh at this!

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