Monday, May 26, 2014

More Farm Days with Jacob and Mathew

Gathering Eggs

 Jake tried to lock Mat in the chicken pen.

Grandpop and Buttercup

Grilled Hamburgers with Grammy

Mowing the Yard

Measuring for the bases for a baseball field

Ice cream 

May Horse Show
We left early that morning for the horse show at Ardmore.  

Preparations to saddle Buttercup for the show

 Fried Pies
After the horse show we stopped at Arbuckle Mountain Fried Pie place.

We stopped to get chicken for lunch.

Unloading after the Horse Show

Jake enjoying a fried pie 

Unhooking Horse Trailer later in the afternoon

Cleaning out the Trailer

The boys went fishing and caught a few fish.

Enjoying the Fried Pies again!

Town with Grammuy
Grammy needed to do some banking business so we did errands then the stop at the bank.

Gathering the chicks to put in the chicken coop
Our chicks were big enough to put outside during the day since the weather was warmer.  Each morning we would take them out of the coop on the patio and put them in the pen.  Late in the afternoon we would gather them up and put back in the coop for overnight.

Jacob Grilling

Mat setting the table

Watering at the Barn