Monday, May 26, 2014

Farm Days with Jacob and Mathew

The boys enjoyed holding our chicks.

The boys seemed to enjoy the country meals.

Mathew wanted strawberry shortcake for his birthday.  I had gotten fresh strawberries at the grocery store on Monday so to enjoy them while still fresh, we had his "birthday dessert" a day early.

Mat's Birthday Dessert

Who would think an old dolly could be so much fun?  Even Grandmom was given a ride on the dolly!

Jake would have his Thunder shirt out, on or around when we watched the Thunder play-off garmes - 
different locations especially if they were behind in the score.

Grandpop taught their history lessons.

Delivering Meals
Two times while the boys were here we delivered meals to the shut-ins in Roff.
Their job was to help load the pick-up, hand me different items for each one's meal, then help unload when we returned to the Center.
The older ladies enjoyed seeing and visiting with the boys.  I think there were odds placed on how tall Jacob would be when he stopped growing.  I believe 7 foot 5 inches was the tallest prediction.

Don't you just wonder what this expression was about?

One task the boys did was to put cages around my tomato plants.  What a good job they did!
The next day we had strong winds and the cages withstood the wind - a good test for them!

Chores at the barn

Learning to Drive the Zero Turn Mower

Clean-up Around the Barn

Mat helped cook the chicken fried steak for his birthday.

Time to Fill Plates

The boys helped Grandpop get things ready to move the cows to another pasture.

Mathew was the one to help me cook and clean the kitchen.

Jacob cleaned the bathrooms for me.

Enjoying hot dogs as one of our meals

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