Saturday, November 22, 2014

The November Birthday Girls

Melodi and McKaylea - The November Birthday Girls!!

The Woods Family Visit the Farm

We were thrilled to have the Woods Family for a visit!  

A Rough Week for Mel

Mel had a rough week with bumps and bruises.  The first thing that happened was he stumped his toe.  He had a very sore toe as well as being purple!  I was not able to get a picture of the second happening.  He was on a ladder putting conduit up to have an electrical outlet close to the horse stalls.  He wanted to be able to plug in a heater for the horses' water.  Fortunately, the ladder just slid down the wall and he did a great job of "riding the ladder" down.  Luckily, he did not break anything - just had skinned shins, a sore ankle and bruised knee!  Thank goodness, Jeff came by just as it happened and was gracious enough to complete the job for us!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Time for our annual trip to Branson with our church group.  This year we had 11 on our trip.
Except for thinking a wallet had been left at the Missouri Welcome Center we had no problems.
Luckily, the wallet had just been put in a bag instead of the purse.
A fun group that enjoyed seeing Clay Cooper Show, Wade Landry Show and Jonah, then going on the Branson Scenic Train and Branson Belle Showboat!  Many funny stories and memories were enjoyed by all!

Our group is already talking about next year's trip!!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

King Get-Together with Donnie and Connie

Since Donnie and Connie had come to visit, it was a good time to have some of the "King Family" members together for hamburgers.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fall Break on the Farm

Jett came to the farm for fall break.  We always have fun!

Helping Grandpop load pipe

Of course, a trip to Braum's for a mix is always necessary!

The chickens checking out the hay in the back of the Mule

Taking tomato cages off the garden so Grandpop can brush hog it

After completing chores, Jett found a golf ball to entertain himself while I mowed and Grandpop brush hogged.


Farm chores

Biscuits and gravy are always a request for breakfast.

Jett and I went to the movies to see "Alexander and the Horrible, Terrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day".
It was a cute movie!

Of course, popcorn and a drink are always a must!

Gingerbread Cookies - Yum! Yum!

Meeting in Norman
We enjoyed lunch at Zio's in Norman when we met Mitch.

We always are thrilled to have the grandkids on the farm!!

The Chicken and The Cat

The chickens have decided to lay their eggs on the cart on the patio.  It sure makes it easy for me to gather the eggs.
One morning while I was in the kitchen, I heard a chicken cackle.  I supposed she had laid her egg so I went to see.  No Egg!!  Our cat, Tiger, was laying in the nest and the chicken was in front cackling!
I put the cat down out of the nest and went back into the house.  In about 10 minutes I heard the chicken cackle again.  I went outside to check and the cat as in the nest once again.  This time I put the cat in the garage and returned to the house.  The chicken hopped up in the nest and a few minutes later she had laid the egg.  Evidently the chicken was not happy that the cat had taking over the nest and she was tattling on him!!

The Assistant Farm Hand

Jett was my assistant farm hand for the week-end.  I was chief CEO of farm operations since Mel was  golfing in Myrtle Beach.
After picking him up from school after his program, we headed to the farm.  Of course, a boy was hungry, so we stopped for some chicken nuggets and fries.  

Time to play Legos

2 of Jett's favorites - Chocolate chip muffins and pumpkin bread

Jett played with this puzzle.
 At first, he was not sure, but soon became a pro at working it!

Biscuits and gravy - another of his favorites!

Playing with Tiger, the cat

Riding bareback

Since we were meeting his mom in Norman, we fed the horses and cats in the dark.
Jett used our new 4 in 1 flashlight so he could see while feeding Izzie.

Margaret and I were shopping at meeting Amberlea.
A stop at the doughnut shop in Wynnewood was a must!

Jett was not ready to leave the farm, but would return during his fall break.