Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Chicken and The Cat

The chickens have decided to lay their eggs on the cart on the patio.  It sure makes it easy for me to gather the eggs.
One morning while I was in the kitchen, I heard a chicken cackle.  I supposed she had laid her egg so I went to see.  No Egg!!  Our cat, Tiger, was laying in the nest and the chicken was in front cackling!
I put the cat down out of the nest and went back into the house.  In about 10 minutes I heard the chicken cackle again.  I went outside to check and the cat as in the nest once again.  This time I put the cat in the garage and returned to the house.  The chicken hopped up in the nest and a few minutes later she had laid the egg.  Evidently the chicken was not happy that the cat had taking over the nest and she was tattling on him!!

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