Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Assistant Farm Hand

Jett was my assistant farm hand for the week-end.  I was chief CEO of farm operations since Mel was  golfing in Myrtle Beach.
After picking him up from school after his program, we headed to the farm.  Of course, a boy was hungry, so we stopped for some chicken nuggets and fries.  

Time to play Legos

2 of Jett's favorites - Chocolate chip muffins and pumpkin bread

Jett played with this puzzle.
 At first, he was not sure, but soon became a pro at working it!

Biscuits and gravy - another of his favorites!

Playing with Tiger, the cat

Riding bareback

Since we were meeting his mom in Norman, we fed the horses and cats in the dark.
Jett used our new 4 in 1 flashlight so he could see while feeding Izzie.

Margaret and I were shopping at meeting Amberlea.
A stop at the doughnut shop in Wynnewood was a must!

Jett was not ready to leave the farm, but would return during his fall break.

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