Saturday, January 31, 2015

George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum

The George W. Bush Library and Museum was located just 6 miles from downtown Dallas on the SMU Campus.

Inside the replica of the Oval Office

A replica of the desk in the Oval Office

Very interesting and enjoyable! 
 Former President Bush's tenure in history 

JFK Trolley Tour

Mel and I had gotten a brochure about a  JFK trolley tour.  We decided to do it.  A very interesting tour and our driver/narrator did an excellent job!

Looking down the path of the motorcade that fateful day in November

Book Depository Building
6th floor has the window open

The grassy knoll

The "X" on the street marks where Kennedy was shot.

Beckley Street - Oswald traveled on this street.

The rooming house where Oswald lived

The double windows were in Oswald's room.

How the houses looked in that area

The location where Oswald shot Officer Tippit

This was a shoe store that Oswald stepped into when he saw police.

The movie theater where police apprehended Oswald

 The police station where Oswald was held.

The garage door that led into the bottom basement where Jack Ruby shot Oswald.

We were fortunate that a car came out and we could peer in before the door closed.

 A very interesting tour especially for Mel and I as we remember where we were that day when we heard that President Kennedy had been shot!

Time for Great Wolf Lodge - Day Three

As the saying goes, "All good things must come to an end."
Time to check out and go from breakfast.

Old West Cafe in Grapevine

All enjoyed a delicious and filling breakfast!  Now time to head home!
Everyone is talking about next year!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Time for Great Wolf Lodge - Day Two

Day Two began with Mel and I making our annual trip to the Kountry Donuts store after we had coffee in the room.
The boys enjoying their coffee

Mathew's drawing of the Great Wolf Lodge

Enjoying donuts in the room

I caught Bryan after his bite of donuts.
Don't you love the ears!

Jake helped Grandpop with his tablet.  Jake suggested he go home to the farm with us so he could be Grandpop's personal assistant!  Sounds good to us!!

Back to the water park

Waiting to head to lunch

We stopped by the train depot and an old cabin for pictures.

Thanks to Melodi for the group pictures!

Baca di Beppo Italian Restaurant

We were seated in our own room with a lazy susan on our table.

Mel sat in the "king's chair"!

Chris, our waiter

Mel and Jake ordered the spaghetti with "a" meatball.
The meatball was 1/2 pound of meat.

Jake's empty bowl - he ate the "whole thing"!

At the mall so we could walk off our lunch.
A funny story:  When going into the mall, Jake told me we needed to buy a hermit crab.  I suggested he visit with his parents about that.  He said that Grandpop and I needed one on the farm.  I asked why.  He replied,  "So the grandkids can play with it!"  I couldn't top that one!

Back to the water park again!

Back in the room we had snacks and played games and cards.
A fun time!

It was the girls' time to stay in our room.
Of course, they needed ice cream.

Another fun day full of memories and great times together!