Sunday, June 28, 2015

Friday, June 12th

 Mel had to drive the church bus to Shawnee to bring the young people home so the boys and I stayed home and worked on the wagon.
First, we replaced some boards and the repaired the seat.  After the wagon was restored, we began to do the landscaping around and under the wagon.

The boys did a great job!

We had pizza at Mazzios, then shopped for groceries and got a Baseball Slip N Slide.

Later we went to the barn to do chores.  The  new horses were sprayed for flies and ticks. 

Time to relax after the busy day and watch our movie!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thursday, June 1lth

After breakfast the boys and Grandpop completed the fence.

While the guys worked on the fence, I canned 10 quarts of pickled beets.

Lunch was cheesy chicken spaghetti.  After a short rest, we headed to Ada to do errands - get horse feed, tick spray, mulch and I got a hair trim.

Jake unloading mulch that will be used for our wagon project tomorrow.

At chore time the  new horses were sprayed, given wormer and double checked for ticks.

Our evening consisted of watching the movie, Maverick and having snacks.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wednesday, June 10th

Mel and the boys attached stock panels to the wood posts.  They also put steel posts in the ground to support the panels in the center.

I delivered meals for the Senior Citizens while the guys worked on the fence.
For lunch we went to Braums.

Mel used his horsemanship skills with the new horses.
He saddled and worked with Buddy.

The boys watched Grandpop working with the horses.

Hotshot's turn with Mel.

After watching for a while I went to the Annex to pick green beans.
The plants may be small but they were loaded with beans!

The boys are good workers and a lot of help!!
The farm never lacks for excitement!

Tuesday, June 9th

Grandpop and the boys worked on digging post holes for wood posts.  He was making a new pen area for more horses.  When they were almost finished with using the diggers, Grandpop raised the post hole diggers and forgot his back window was open.  The back window was broken.  Time for the tractor to go to the shop to get a new window!
We had meatloaf, cream potatoes, sugar snap peas (from our garden), hot rolls and ice cream.
Later in the afternoon we went to see about some horses for sale.  We came home with 2, Buddy and Hotshot.
Grandpop wanted to set some of the wood posts in concrete before panels were put up.  That chore was done early evening when it was cooler.

Removing the diggers 

 Looking at the horses 

Mel with Buddy

Loading Buddy in the trailer

Jake holding Hotshot

Buddy successfully loaded

Time for Hotshot to be loaded

Mel patiently works with Hotshot and gets him in the trailer.

Arriving home with the new horses, Buttercup and Izzie are wondering, "What in the world is happening?"

The boys with the new horses

Loading the wood posts

Cleaning out the holes for the posts

Filling the holes with dirt

Tapping the dirt around the posts

Mat using the "old fashion diggers" to clean out the holes.

A busy, exciting and tiring day on the farm!