Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Sunday, June 7th

Breakfast this morning was biscuits and gravy.  The boys helped Grandpop do chores at the barn, then checked to see how many landscape timbers we had.  I wanted to put them around our old wagon.
The boys brought back what was at the barn.  Fortunately, we had plenty.

We went to Sunday School then to KFC for lunch to bring home.  The last time the boys were here Jake order the 6 piece strip meal.  This time I asked him if he could eat more than that.  He said he could.  I asked about the strip meals with more than 6 strips.  The clerk said they had 12 pieces.  I ordered 2 of them, then Mel and my orders.  We did find out that the 12 piece strip is really a meal for 4.  Needless to say, we had plenty of sides and chicken for today and tomorrow.

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